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You have been living in South America since you were born.
Your parents decided that they needed to move away to another country, because there was no future in where y'all lived.

Omg. You were moving.
not to an European country like germany or Italy, but no. You were moving to America. Fucking.America. NORTH AMERICA.

You were in shock, totally in shock.
You never thought that you'd would leave your home country just now, like, why? Just... Why?

-"It's nice living here... I have my 'friends', my family... I just don't understand..!" -You whinned in you bed.

Your parents decided that it was better for you and your brother, Alex.

You packed everything in your bags and said bye to your best friend.

- "I will miss you so much.."-She said with tears in her eyes.

-"Promise me we will talk every day, deal?" -You muttered.

-"Deal.."- She gave you a hug and said her last goodbye to you.

A new friend || Ben Drowned X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now