Repeat it

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"W—What did you say?"  -Ben asked with his eyes open like plates, with a slight blush on his face. 


"No no, repeat it—" -He yelled with an smirk on his face "I think I didn't heard you well..."

"I said nothing. Why? Is there a problem?"  I gaslight him while backing up. That comment just slipped out of my mind. And the worst part is, that he had heard it. I wasn't going to say that phrase once again, but the teasing just seemed like it wouldn't come to an end.

"I know you said something."  He claimed. "Well, you must  be hearing things"  I muttered as I got back in my feet, laying on a tree to not fall again by my hurtful ankle. 

I looked up in the sky, mostly covered by the leaves of the trees that surrendered us. There was still a little bit of clarity, and those spots in where the leaves didn't cover, still were dark. The only light source was that specific magic-fire that he created. I took a depth breath and sighed, running my hands through my neck to then look at Ben.

"It's getting even darker" -I yawned.

"Right, alive people need to sleep..." -Ben recalled- "Want me to take you home?" 

"I mean... If  that's not a problem with you..." - I answered rubbing my eye. 

"Then we're off" -He exclaimed as he got up and hugged me by the shoulders- "We are not really far, don't worry"

"More walking?" -I sighed- "Can't you do that trick you did where I had to close my eyes and like—I was here?

"Oh, yeah."

I honestly wanted to ask him why he haven't been using them instead of just walking trough this dark, cold forest. But I was too tired for that. I just layed my head on Ben's shoulder and closed my eyes as I waited for him to tell me to open them. But, honestly, I just wanted to stay like that for a while. It was oddly comfortable, just staying there. No sounds, no people. Just us, me laying my head on his shoulder. 

I was just going to fall asleep, my senses weren't really active at the moment. I don't know if it was a reflex I had or, just, something. But I hugged Ben, tightly. I could feel him gasp for a second, but I just wanted to get home. 

"Thank... You." -I mumbled while trying to keep my eyes open.

"For what...?" -He asked hugging me back.  

"For... Tonight." 

Ben gave me a small smile to then give me a little kiss on the head. I don't remember clearly everything, but I just remember the words "my best friend" coming out softly from his mouth. I shut my eyes close and waited for the drop. Hoping to be in my room when I opened them.

I snuggled up on Ben's chest while still both of us hugging each other. 

"You can open them now." He whispered as I slowly let go of his embrace, still with my eyes closed. I could feel the light hitting my eyes, still unopened, as I got up. I slowly tried to open them, looking at the floor, but my eyes just couldn't adjust to the light that fast. They both started watering like crazy And I just couldn't do anything but rub them and groan. 

"H—Hey what's wrong?" -He asked putting a hand on my shoulder, while he was reclined to me. 

"It's fine, just—Can you guide me to my bed please?" -I asked as I still rubbed my eyes.

He hold me by the waist, guiding me to a straight line to then take a left. I could feel my feet touch the bottom of the bed and it's sheets.  I sat down blinking incredibly fast to try recover from that incident. They were still watering, but at least I could open them.

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