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* person POV*

It's been a week since you're friends with Ben, you obviously didn't tell anyone that a Link who cries blood was your friend, neither your parents or family knew about him, and thank God they didn't!

You were sitting with your brother at the sofa in the living room, thinking Ben wouldn't come today.

You were wrong.

You heard some noise upstairs, but decided to let it go because maybe he just came to give you another note. Suddenly, you hear something fall.

-"What's that?" -Your sibling said.

-"Um, I don't know, maybe air, let me go close the window—" -You responded.

As you were going to your room, you were hoping to see Ben playing in your PC or doing anything else. But no—you heard someone passing the pages of a book.

-"A book?" -You though. You didn't had any book, you prefered reading digital but... If It's not a book, what is it?

Turns out the only "book" you had was your sketch book.
Your freaking sketch book.

*First person POV*

I opened the door as soon as I realized what he was looking at.
I saw him holding my sketch book while he was laying in my bed. MY BED! I quickly ran to him and snatched it from his hands.

-"Yo! I was looking at that!" -He snapped- "You didn't told me that you knew how to draw, They're pretty cool, ya know?"

-"Did anyone ever told you to NOT look a other people things without their consent?!" -I yelled.
Not because I was mad at him for looking at it, but because I was worried for what did he saw there.

I had lots of fanarts of my favorite characters, including him. My face turned all the shades of red possible. I looked down to see what pages he had seen, and he was half-way through the sketchbook. I was lucky that most of his drawings were on the last pages. But still, some drawings about him were there.

-"I saw lots of drawings of me, I look kinda good in there! You really like drawing me, huh?" -He bragged.

It wasn't a lie, I liked drawing him, even before I met him, I always made thousands of drawings about him. I was really embarrassed that he had so see those... But at least he liked it..? Or maybe he was begin sarcastic? I couldn't tell.

-"I... I..." -I stuttered, thinking that my face was going to explode at any moment.
I hated when people saw my drawings without me knowing it. But he saw lots of drawings of HIMSELF. 

-"You look cute when you're red, ya know?" -He said smirking, getting up from my bed and closer to me- "I could model for you some day, I have no problem with that!"

He started to make weird, extravagant poses. Each time weirder than the other.

"Oh, hold up—what about this one? No no, THIs one!" -He yelled and started making what I like to call "Handsome Squidward Face" 

Even though I was dying from embarrasment, Ben managed to make me laugh, like—full on laugh. It was the first time in a whole lot that I didn't laught like that. 

"Ha! I made you laugh, now I guess I receive  a drawing... Right?" -He said leaning on my shoulder and flipping his hair dramatically.

"Alright, alright, I guess you deserve one..." -I said still laughing- "Make a good pose! Quick!"

He made a dramatic pose just like he was in a play at a theater.

"Oh god, no, a theater kid!" -I said while sarcastically fainting. 

"Oh shut up! Look at you!" -He teased.

"Touché, now just don't move!" -I laughed while sketching his picture.


"Can I move now?" -He asked.


"How long does this drawings take?!" -Ben sobbed while just fainting on the floor dramatically.

"I did it a while ago, I'm doodling now" -I said trying to not laugh.

"So you just made me stand there for almost half hour for what?!" 

"For looking through my things without my consent, you never asked if the drawings was done, just if you could move—in which, nah."

"Gosh, you are the worst!" -He said laughing on the floor.

I laid to the floor with him, just laughing like dorks. We surely had a nice day.

Some minutes later, Ben said it was time for him to go, in which I wanted him to stay a little more—but he couldn't.

-"See ya, sweetie!" -He added just then to disappear inside the my PC.

"Wait! you forgot to see the drawi—" -I yelled to then realize that my sketchbook, instead of being on the floor, wasn't there anymore. He STOLE my sketchbook, guess this was his kind of revenge.

I stood there a good minute trying to assimilate what just happened.

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