The forest.

320 13 7

Quick A/N

I'm SORRY for not updating, I have some written chapters that I will post after the 25th! Also, sorry for the shortness of this chapter, the other ones are longer, I promise!!  Happy holidays everyone! Luv ya


I closed my eyes and felt BEN hands holding mines tightly, It felt like a dream.

-"Alright, you can open them!" -He exclaimed, still holding my hands.

I opened my eyes slowly, not knowing were I was or what we were going to do, but I was excited. Really excited for where he might had brought me.

As I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw were Ben's dark eyes, but not only his eyes were dark, everything was so... Dull, you could say. I began to look at my surroundings just to find out that I was in the same forest near my house.

I was in a forest. THE FOREST.

That same forest that had always given me an odd feeling about it? That one. The one I'm pretty sure something that lived there was stalking my house... I didn't know what to feel at that moment, I couldn't even articulate words. I was just... Shocked. I've always tried to ignore this forest, and now, knowing not only animals and plants were there, even more than before! I had always repeated to myself:
if I think I saw something weird or heard some weird... No I didn't.

Even though the last place I expected Ben to take me was... There, I still tried to keep my calm. Even if my face said the opposite. Being there was something that frightened me, Just looking around gave me shivers.

I started to stare at the forest with more detail, the trees were really huge, and the moonlight shined across the dry leaves. Still, there was not enough light for me to see clearly.

"What... Are doing here? I've never been here before..." -I asked.

"Well..." -Ben said scratching the back of his head- "I need you to meet someone..."

"I'm sorry—you never told me I was going to meet someone?" -I confronted- "You could have told me before!"

"I know, I know, and I apologize for it... I actually wanted to take you somewhere else, but I really need you to do this!" -He exclaimed.

I sighed as I crossed my arms. "Alright... And, who is this 'mysterious person' I need to meet, may I ask?"

"You see,I can't tell you YET, but please, don't be scared..." -He explained.

"Oh, so, I don't know who I'm meeting? GREAT." -I scoffed.

"I know it's not an ideal plan but, please it's important to me..!" -He begged.


"Ugh, I can't be mad at you! Let's go, dummy. " -I sighed, grabbing his hand once again.

Ben's face light up and gave a small jump, he grabbed my hand tighter and started walking, guiding me through the forest.

Even though it was really dark, and that the forest was still giving me that uncanny feeling, being with Ben made me feel safe, in a way. The moonlight was slowly fading away each time we took a step deeper into the forest, making it even more difficult to see through it than before. The only thing that kept me sure that I was going the right way was him guiding me across the trees, and I still had my doubts on where we were heading at.

"Don't worry, it's not really far away!" -He exclaimed. 

"It better not be! This place creeps me out..."  -I called out- "Please—don't let go of me..."

"Only a fool would do that." -He said while slowing down-"Don't worry, I will not let go of you."

He brought up my hand closer to his face, and gave it an small kiss. Despite it was way to dark to see much, I could feel his smile forming against my hand. 

"Let's get going, sounds good?" -He said to then proceed to walk normally again.

My face went full red and I swear I could feel steam coming out my ears. My heart skipped a beat and I had a shock look on my face. The fact that he was still walking like he just didn't kissed my hand made me even more nervous than before. Maybe I was overthinking?—or maybe it's just that I'm exaggerating it. I mean—it's a totally platonic thing, right?

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