To the office!

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*Ben's POV*

I left trough Y/N's computer, thinking about the small kiss from before. Was it normal that I was blushing like crazy? I don't think so. Even after leaving the room, I was still confused. I entered my own bedroom, walked a few steps and layed in my bed.

 I covered my face with pillows while I sighted. Maybe I was overthinking everything? I mean, that kiss was something that friends do, right? And it wasn't anything big, just a small kiss in the cheek—nothing else. Maybe I just needed some sleep—It's true that I don't really sleep, but today, was a hell of a ride. I turned off the lights to try taking a nap, when a sudden knock interrupted my sleep.

At first, I tried to ignore it—But it just kept bothering me, each knock became more and more loud until I finally gave up and finally opened the door. Standing there, reclined on the frame of the door, was Jeff with an stupid smug on his face. I sighed.

"What do YOU want?" -I asked- "I'm trying to sleep."

"You? Sleep? Boy bye" -He teased- "You stay connected on a screen 24/7, and when you are not—you are at your girlfriend's house!" -He added mockingly, winking an eye.

"Yeah yeah, 'Uuh Ben's girlfriend, so romantic' cut it out dude. Just tell me what you need to tell me." 

"Take a chill pill, just letting you know that Y/N's parents are okay. Me and Jack followed them.

"Alright, I just asked you two to distract them for tonight, I just hope you two didn't fucked up. And now if you let me sleep—"

I tried to close the door on him, but he put his foot between the door, opening it again. "

"Whoa there—I also wanted to what happened after you two left the house" -He teased once again. "And why should I tell you? Mind your business." I said rolling my eyes and just walking straight to bed once again, not caring if Jeff was still on the door or not.

"Hey, did you a favor—you should at least tell me how it went!"  Jeff reproached.

"... It went good."  I mumbled covering my face with a pillow once again.

"Uuh! Love is in the air, isn't it?"

"Shut up, dumbass" -I said-"Besides, we are just friends, she doesn't like me that way."

There was a big silence infesting the room, until I heard the words:"I know you don't have eyes, but you CAN'T be that blind, can you?" Jeff yelled looking at me with a frown on his face.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" 

"Dude, she DEFINITELY likes you. My eyes are fucked up but—dude."

I threw a pillow at him, hoping that he would shut up for once. I covered myself with my bed sheets waiting for Jeff to get out. I stopped hearing yelling inside my room, but I still felt someone there. I could hear Jeff's footsteps walking towards inside my room. Damn it. Why can't I just sleep today?!

He abruptly removed my bed sheets and threw them to the floor. Since I was rolled up in one of them, I fell too.

"Listen man, Y/N does like you, you're just and idiot." -He confronted.

"Why should I listen to YOU?! your first girlfriend turned lesbian you ugly—"

Before I could finish my sentence, Jeff kicked me in the face—making my nose drip blood. I grabbed his leg and pulled him down in where he hit his head. In which I took advantage and started punching his face, both of us yelling things at each other. This drew the attention of more than one person in the mansion—in which, Slender, was one of the people in the crowd. He just stood there while he and me fought while yelling. 

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