Night intruder

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*2º Person POV*

As Ben walked through the trees and bushes, he heard a whispering soft voice that called him.

"I would watch out if I were you." -The voice said.

"Nock it off, Hoodie, I'm busy..." -Ben responded annoyed.

"Woah there, it was just an advice... Anyways, shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?"

"And shouldn't you be choking on Tim's dick? Now fuck off, Brian." -Ben argued.

"I may choke on a dick tonight, but with that attitude, noneone will choke on yours, buddy." -Brian said as he smirked in the dark cold night.

Ben turned around to see Brian smirking. He impulsively decided to slap Brian across the face as he looked at him with anger.

"Shut the fuck up, Brian." -Ben exclaimed.

As he was going to enter through the window to Y/N's room, he heard some word that would stick to him.

"You will regret this, bastard."

Ben rolled his eyes, walked into the room just to see you laying on bed. He had a bad feeling about it. Nina told him that you weren't mad but... Would that be true? What if you changed your mind? He walked into the room slowly and silently to not be noticed. As he walked slowly, you got up from the bed. You tilted your head to see the cold night outside, but instead, you saw Ben entering the room.

Your first thought was to scream at him, but you were too tired for that.

"Um, hey." -Ben said softly.

"Uh, what do you want?" -You responded. 

"I... I came here to apologize." -Ben replied firmly as he sat down right next to you on Nina's bed.

He was really close to you. You could clearly see his dark eyes, his blonde hair, his freckles... He looked really sorry. Even though you two were too close from each other, none of you moved farther. Your legs were touching each other, and Ben's hand was placed on his tight.

"So... I'm an asshole." -Ben said.

"Yeah? Couldn't tell." -You scoffed.

"Look I was—"

"Acting like a dumbass? Yeah, I could tell." -You recalled.

"Well... Yeah."

He scratched the back of his head while trying to avoid eye contact, despide his closeness to you. The air was filled with a tense and unwelcoming feeling, both of you didn't know what to say or what to do, but there was one thing that was clear: None of you wanted to be in that situation.

"I... I guess I'm really a dumbass, aren't I?" -He said with an awkward laugh.

After that comment the room was filled with an awkward silence, even more silence than before.

"I'm sorry." -Ben said finally looking down.

"You better be..." -You mumbled- "It's just—I'm too confused by everything, I don't really get any of this—"

"What do you mean by that?" -He wondered.

"You suddenly dissapear for almost two weeks without telling me anything; you show up to my room telling me that you planned a hangout for us—Sure! I say, but I still have questions about where have you been. You bring me to that weird forest just so I can 'meet someone' and now that you brought me here and someone talks to me, you slap him across the face and—"

You realized that, at the moment you were spitting out everything you were feeling, tears started to pour out your eyes, shaking hands were also a problem.

"... And, I just want my best friend back... I don't want to be alone anymore, don't you see I need you?"

An intense silence fills the room, interrupted by your sobs and tears. You just tearing up on the bedroom.

"And right now, I'm not even in a room that is mine, this house is filled with people I don't know! And then you get mad and I begin to think it's my fault, and—"

Ben hugged you at mid-sentence. You could feel his tears falling down his face into your clothes. He startes tearing up while hugging you even tighter and tighter.

"I... I... " -You sobbed.

You grasp tightly Ben's shirt, your tears still falling down your face against your will. You hugged him back putting your head on his shoulder.

"I really messed up, didn't I?" -Ben laughed as tears fell down his face- "I had no idea that you felt like that..."

"Of course you didn't..." -You laughed as you wiped off your tears- "I just want my best friend here again with me..."

"I really want to apologize... I've been acting like a complete asshole this whole day..." -Ben muttered as he wiped your tears of your face- "I should have know you were uncomfortable here."

"It's fine, I guess... But, could you promise me something..?" -You asked while grabbing his hand.

"Anything you want."

"Please, don't leave me again."

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