Unexpected visit

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High school was starting soon. New faces and new schedules were coming up, something that horrified you.
Making new friends could be sometimes difficult, but now that everything is new, it was surely going to be harder than before. Also, the fact that you were entering mid-term was a problem, too. You would be the only one who is lost, and most people have already made their own friends. 

"Answer..."  You though while spamming the Cleverbot robot with messages.
Ben still wasn't responding to any of them, and that was starting to get annoying. You sighed, and turned off your phone. Too much had been going on in just two days, and that one discussion from before... You placed away your phone and decided to take a nap. The day haven't been productive at all, but there wasn't a lot you could do. It was already starting to get dark, anyways.

You covered yourself with your bed sheets, laid face down when something touched your shoulder. 

"Dude, let me sleep"  You groaned, hoping your brother would go away"You already got the TV"

The poking wouldn't stop, and it was starting to get annoying. 

"Alex can you STOP?"  You yelled, removing your sheets from your face.

Turns out that whoever was poking you wasn't your brother, but Ben, who was inside your room. You almost screamed out loud, not expecting him inside. He quickly covered your mouth with his hand, to avoid making a sound.

"Your family is down stairs, hush" He whispered "I wanted to check if you are okay"

"Then why didn't you responded to my texts?"  You asked.

"I couldn't—I am supposed to be on a mission or something..." He scoffed "Slender is a burden sometimes..."

You laughed quietly and gave Ben a fist bump. You showed him how the injury looked like.

"Damn" He said "That's a bad injury"

"Really? No idea" You sarcastically said.

He sat at the edge of the bed, looking at you while you were still covered in your bedsheets, looking like a mess.
He kindly smiled at you with a sight red tone on his face.

"Why are you smiling?" You asked. His smile was contagious, it made you smile, too.

"You just look really cute..!" He answered.

"My hair is tangled and I'm in my pijamas, what it's cute about that?" You replied, questioning him.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you are naturally cute?" He smirked, leaning in closer to you.
You hit him with a pillow you had close to you.

"Oh shut it, Romeo..." You laughed while he fixed his hair.
"I'm not lying, thought" He added.

You covered yourself with the sheets even more than before, you looke like you were going to suffocate yourself! Mostly because of how red you were, it was hard to admit, but he was smooth.

"You should leave before my parents caught you..." You mumbled under the covers.

"Shit, right... See you tonight?" He asked.
"I don't know... I need to regulate my sleep schedule now." You said, uncovering yourself. "I'm starting school in a couple days—"

"What!?" Ben shouted upon hearing the news. "So I won't get to see you more?"

"Of course you will see me! Just, not everyday, maybe..."

Footsteps were heard down in the hall, you knew someone was coming. You panicked, not knowing what to do.
"Dude—you need to get out NOW!" Your voice trembled.

"Cool." Ben smirked to get out from the window. The look on your face was a pure state of shock. There were a lot of ways to get out, or even hide—but this wasn't one of them. Still, there was no time to be thinking about how he jumped out of the window, someone was coming. By the footsteps, you recognized that your mother was going upstairs. You laid back again on your bed and tried to fake sleep.
"Shit, the lights." You thought while you felt your door opening.

"Dinner is ready, go down to eat." Your mother's voice ordered while opening the door.

"... I'm not hungry." You whispered, hoping that she would just go.

"Alright, David is eating already. Reheat your food whenever." She closed the door while her footsteps faded away. You sighed in relief, slowly removing your covers and looking out of the window.

"Did he went home?" You thought, when suddenly a familiar face scared you.

Ben was there, in the window. Not only that, but he was face down, defying gravity, his blonde hair now upside down and his red eyes glowing. The surprise was so big that you almost fell on your back.

"Gotcha!" Ben said as he grabbed my arm, preventing me from falling. "You good?"

You were left with no words.

"Oh—Um, sorry for the jumpscare, I didn't meant to..." He apologized as he entered again inside your room. "My bad, sorry."

"Y—You surely made my heart skip a beat..."  You trembled still astonished by the surprise jump.
"Did I?" Ben teased as he smirked.


"You're a smooth idiot..." You rolled your eyes while smiling.

"No, I'm your smooth idiot" He giggled, walking down the room, inspecting everything with curiosity like he had never seen your room before.

You sighed, tried to walk towards him, and whispered: "You have to go, they could caught you... I will see you later, I promise."
Ben stayed quiet, turned around and nodded his head.

"See ya!" He whispered to then grab your hand and kiss it. "Get better soon, alright?"
In a blink, he was gone. Just as he came, he disappeared and left you alone standing in the middle of your room, flustered.

Guess it was nice to see him again.

Hi guys! Sorry for not uploading, I will try to keep it up for yall <333
Ive been busy this week, but there is this chapter! Sorry if its kinda short xp
Hope yall enjoyed it

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