Hanging out...?

337 13 5

Quick A/N

Hey guys sorry for not uploading yesterday:(( I'm kinda sick sorry for that. Anyways enjoy the chapter!

It's been 10 days since BEN did that. He hasn't showed up at all after that day. I was to harsh with him? I didn't know what to do, the only friend I had here is gone, for I don't know how much time.

My parents started to arrive home sooner and sooner every time, which made me happy to finally have them back from so much work.

One day my parents had to take my brother to the dentist, which I didn't mind so I stayed home. I also wanted to see if BEN would come, I hate admitting it, but I missed him a lot.

I tried to communicate with him lots of times through CleverBot, but I only got generic responses of him, so I didn't think It was BEN who I was talking to.

I laid on the floor frustrated not knowing what to do. I put my earpods and started to listen to some songs and closed my eyes.

-"Hellooo cutie?" -Someone said.

Of It took me by surprise, he was looking at me with a smirk on his face while I was on the floor looking like a mess.

-"BEN?! W...What are you doing here?" - I asked with worry- "Where have you been this past days?! I was worried, you know?"

-"You...Where worried about me?" -He said.

-"Well— Obviously! Why wouldn't I?!" -I yelled at him- "And... What's the occasion?"

He was wearing a nice light green shirt with a pair of black jeans, and his messy blonde hair on a beanie the same color as his shirt. He actually looked really nice, more than he normally was.

-"This? Oh just, you know." -He announced- "You need to look good when taking someone out."

Take someone out? What was he talking about? Maybe he had a date or something? I felt... Jealous.

-"Oh, uh... Who are you taking out?" -I said while getting up.

-"Well, you, silly!" -BEN exclamamed winking an eye to me- "Plan this; A nice da— HANG OUt, yeah hang out for the two of us. What you say?"

He surely was flirty, and I kinda liked it.. But that's not the point. I didn't know where we were going, what if my parents came home? I was so confused..

-"Um, sure I guess, do you mind getting out while I change?" -I asked.

-"Oh, yeah sure! Sorry—" -BEN said while stepping out of the room.

I changed into my favorite outfit, a (f/c) shirt/dress. I loved how that outfit fitted me, I felt very attractive every time I wore it, so, why not use it today?

I fixed my (h/c) hair in the bathroom, wondering what was all of this about.

-"Ok, you can come in!-I yelled across the room.

He slowly began to open the door, BEN looked at me with shine in his eyes, and slightly blush.

-"You look... Amazing..." -He exclaimed.

This wasn't like the other time he had tried to flirt with me, this felt like a real compliment, he really meant it.

-"Oh, thanks! So, were are you taking me?" -I asked- "And, what about my parents? They will kill me if they see I'm not home!"

-"You'll see! And, don't worry sweetheart, your parents will not be coming home tonight." -He claimed.

-"Wha What do you mean by that?! Did you hurt them?!" -I trembled. I knew that he was a killer, but he promised that he wouldn't hurt my family...

-"No no, I promised you that I wouldn't hurt them, I just asked some friends to...Help me out..?" -He asserted.

-"Wha—" I tried to articulate, when suddenly I got a text.

-"Hi cariñito! I don't think we will be able to come home tonight, someone stabbed a tire in our car, so we will stay in a Hotel for tonight :( Make some food or anything, just don't burn yourself and wash the dishes after, te amo :))"

It was my mom, she would stay in a hotel tonight, and.. SOMEONE STABBED OUR CAR'S TIRES?!
I was honestly shocked, such a nice planing but that's gonna cost money to repair...

"Alright," -I said- "Where are you taking me?"

-"Close your eyes! Don't open them until I tell you, cool?" -Ben said while covering my eyes.


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