Something in the dark

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It was still night time, but you abruptly woken up from your sleep by... Something.
A cold sweat ran through your back, got up from the bed, grasping the sheets and gasping for air. Maybe a nightmare? No, you didn't remember anything you had experienced while dreaming... But still, you were shaken.
You tried to calm yourself, relaxing, trying to breath slower and slower. Your eyes looked across the dark room, looking at every corner there was.

And you wish you didn't look at that corner.

Maybe your mind was playing a trick, maybe you were just seeing things, but there was something, anything, standing in that one corner. Human-shaped, maybe it could even be a person, but it was to dark to find out, and turning on the lights was no option.

Paralyzed from fear, you couldn't even scream, or do something but getting back to bed like nothing happened. Maybe it was just your mind playing some kind of trick, sure, it could be that.
You acted as calm as possible, as calm as your body let you try to act like it—and started slowly go back to lay down on your bed.

While backing up, your hand felt a cold touch, as a reflex, you looked back while immediately removing your hand to find out that thant thing you slapped, was Ben's face.

Ben gasped when he felt the slap, and woke up... Half way?

"It's not... Morning... Yet." He yawned while scratching an eye. "Why did you—"

He paused to see your face filled with fear. He looked confused, "Are you okay, Y/N?" He mumbled  while wiping off the drool from his face.

"I... I think saw someone." Your voice trembled.

Ben became petrified like a statue when he heard what you said. His eyes widen and looked at you by the corner of his eye. It was clear that something was wrong.

"Ben, w—whats wrong?" You whispered, confused by the look on his face.

He immediately wiped off that look from his face as a reaction, and scratching both of his eyes.
"Nothing, just took me by surprise." He answered.

You finally laid down to your bed, trying to find an explanation on what was that thing. It felt too real to be a dream, or just a your imagination.
Ben followed as he sighed. He turned to look at you, "Maybe it wasn't, anything, don't worry—"

"But what if it was something?" You asked, closing your eyes. "I mean—if you are real, why wouldn't other things not be real?"

Ben stood on silence, he was speechless, nothing came out of his mouth. The aura of the room was uncomfortable, way too much. Since it was still night and there were some hours for morning to arrive, you decided go back to sleep again.

"Maybe I'm just tired... Good night, I guess." You yawned while clinging to your bed sheets.

Suddenly, you felt Ben's arms hugging you. His arms were cold, but his embrace felt warm. "If anyone does anything to you, I'll kill them" He whispered to your ear "If anything it's bothering you, I will take care of that."

You took a long sigh, and returned the hug back. His arms felt cold, but it didn't matter. His hugs always cheered you up but...

"Maybe I'm being paranoid?" You asked.

"W—Why don't we go back to sleep?" Ben's voice cracked.

"I guess..." You agreed.

Ben was avoiding all the questions you tried to say, and it was getting annoying.

You decided to cuddle up more to him, while hugging him tigher.

"You're cold." You whispered.

"Yeah, it's kinda dead people's thing, ya' know?"

You giggled one last time to then finally get to finally sleep. You still got a few hours, anyhow.

A couple hours passed, and you were asleep, but Ben couldn't stop thinking about that one sentence from before.

"I think I saw someone." That was stuck in his head and not wasn't letting him get some rest.
He tried to avoid every question you asked, he didn't wanted to worry you about anything, and even less when it's night time and you just wanted to sleep!

He knew who may would be causing all of this, but, how would he actually incriminate him?

Too many things passed thought his mind, but he couldn't sleep now, not after seeing someone in the window before, and that same person possibly be inside the house.
He stroked a lock of your hair while you were asleep, and softly caressed your face with his hand.  He had a smile on his face while looking at you, an involuntary smile.
Its been really long since he didn't sleep, he didn't needed to anymore. But he forgot how nice it felt to rest for a whole night, or maybe it wasn't just sleep—maybe it was the fact that he was able to have a 'secret sleepover' days before you stop visiting him as frequent. Maybe it was because he got to cuddle with you, or just because of you.

Back in the Mansion, Ben was always a bit reserve, or what people call 'rude', too. His childhood had always chaotic, more than a kid's life should be—so he understood that he would need to stay alert and never let his guard down in front of anybody.
Maybe that was the reason why Jeff and him were always fighting each other, maybe that was why he would just get in his room and not come out, and maybe that was the reason why everyone classified him as 'annoying'.

"I love you, a lot." He thought to himself, before falling asleep by mistake.

The room was filled with silence once again, both of you sleeping quietly and happily.

"So nice, two lovebirds loving each other, right?"

"We'll kill two birds with a stone, then"

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