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Hi guys!! I will leave this chapter here, and I may upload again this week but don't count on it :/ I hope you guys like it!! :D


*1° person POV*

Right there in the door, was Nina, just laying on the door frame with a teasing smug in her face.

"Nina!" -I shouted across the room.

She walked across the room straight to me, she pushed Ben and grabbed my hands as she asked my if I was okay. I couldn't help it but sweat nervously, blushing sightly as Nina came closer and closer to my face.

"I—I'm fine, thank you Nina!" -I said nervously.

"You sure that you are alright? Do you need anything?"  Nina kept asking this type of questions without catching a breath.

"Hey can you ple—" -Ben muttered as he got up from the floor.

"No, I cannot." -Nina answered- "Can you let me have a conversation? Thank you."

"I think I should leave..." -I muttered.

"Aw, why? You should stay a bit longer!! Have you even met everyone?" -Nina asked.


Suddenly Ben moved Nina out of the way and grabbed my hand. He got closer to me, in which didn't help the fact that I was incredibly blushed from before. He got closer and closer and whispered to my ear "I'm sorry for all of this, I will take you home."

I nodded nervously while Ben got away from me, offering me his hand to get up.

I accepted and grabbed his hand looking down to the floor, embarrassed by just being there. I couldn't feel everyone in the room stares, and it made me even more embarrassed honestly.

"Man... I guess I will see you next time!!" -Nina yelled as she went and hugged me.

"I—I hope to see you soon!" -I answered accepting the hug shocked. "Come see us soon!" -Jeff yelled, still laying on the floor. He looked comfortable.

Both Ben and I got out of the room, closing the door behind us as we left. 

"Alright, let me take you home." -Ben said. 

"Well, I...I don't want to go home, yet."  I mumbled as I grabbed his shoulder. "Is that okay with you?"

"S...Sure it is." 

"I don't want to bother but... Can we go somewhere not so... full with people?"  I asked.

"Uh, sure, I know a place in here."  Ben added.

We both walked down the hall, me hoping that we didn't jump into someone else, specially someone that we already met.

The walk through the hall was silent, weirdly silent. I peeped from the corner of my eye to see Ben looking at the floor. He looked worried, guilty I could say. I felt bad for this, like him being worried was my fault. I tried to gently grab his hand very covertly as I looked at other direction to avoid eye contact. His hand felt weirdly warm, when he realized my hand grabbing his, Ben couldn't help but smile. We got out of the house, it was still dark outside. I couldn't see a lot, just enough to distinguish some trees from the distance. I gulped as I looked at ben, whispering to him:

"Were are we going now?" 

"I know a nice place, I think you would like it." -He whispered as he took some steps further away from the mansion- "Don't let go of my hand, alright?"


We walked through the forest once again, this time with even less visible light than before. I could feel something observing me... Us, I rather say. I keep stepping on dry branches and flinching every time they made a sound. Dry leaves were everywhere, sticks and stones in where I could break my bones.

"I'm not meeting anyone this time, right?" -I laughed to break the silence.

While I was speaking, I promptly tripped over a big branch, my ankle sprained and I fell on my knees, I pulled Ben as I fell to try to get support, but it was useless. I groaned in pain gripping Ben's forearm, scratching my nails on it. 

"Fuck—are you okay?!"  -He trembled while crouching down, checking what could possibly be wrong for me to react this way.

"I—I think so?" -I groaned once again. I tried to get on my feet, failing and falling once again. The pain was so strong that I couldn't even get on my feet. How big that branch was?! 

"You can't stand up? Let me help you." -Ben mumbled as he grabbed my arms pulling me up again.

He was still holding my arms while standing, I trembled a bit and tried to stand still, hopping on one leg. Ben looked at me and gave me a little smile. I smiled back as he got to my side to support me while walking, putting my arms on his shoulder as he did the same. In the first step we gave the pain was still there, it still hurt but I needed to brush it off. "Are you okay now?" He asked after giving the first step. I nodded my head and tried to get on path again.

After no more than 10 steps, I couldn't do it anymore. Not only my ankle hurt, but my whole leg. I stood still, just not even thinking anymore. Just groaning in pain. 

"I cannot walk anymore." -I trembled kneeling down to the floor- "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry for? It's not your fault, dummy." -Ben smiled- "I got an idea."

He suddenly grabbed me. Like, grabbed me bridal style, with so much easinesses. I could feel my face blush and thank god that there wasn't enough light to see much.

"All set! Now, shall we continue?" -He claimed while making eye contact.

"Wha— D—Dude!" -I looked down to another direction to try avoiding eye contact.

This was going to be a long journey.

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