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-"Y-Y-Y-YO? Y-YOU T-T-T-THERE?" -Your phone gliched- "Y-Y/N?"

The heck? You though, but the WiFi on your new house wasn't that good, so you let it go.

You started talking to CleverBot, or BEN, you didn't know, but what you knew it's that whoever you were talking to, was VERY flirty.

-"Hii cutie ;))" -Cleverbot texted- "What's your name?"

-"Heyyy Elf Boy, name's Y/N." -You replied.

It was just a robot, right? It couldn't do anything weird... Right?

-"Whoa, you alredy got a nickname for me? Cute! Im BEN, but, I guess you can call me"Elf boy" :))!!" -That thing said-

"Such a nice robot" -You though, it almost feel like a real person.

You closed the window on your PC and charged your phone, when suddenly, you heard something.

-"You shouldn't have done that."


You turned around with a scared look on your face and saw that same phrase on your PC, with a black background, written in red. This was really creepy, you decided to unplug the computer to make sure it didn't showed up.

You went backstairs to say hi to your brother and to eat something.

-It's there any food? -You asked.

- "Nah," -He responded- "I think there is some yogurt in the fridge tho."

You went to the fridge and grabed one. You saw Alex sitted on the couch watching TV. Before you went to your room you patted his head.

While you were going upstairs, you heard some noises from your room, which was weird because it didn't sound like your phone or anything else, It sounded like a person. You slowly went to where David was and made him turn the TV off.

-"Listen, " -You whispered- "Stay locket in the closet, close the door and don't let anything in, ok?
Don't make any noise."

-"But wh—" -He tried to say, before you put your hand on his mouth.

-"Just do it, ok? Call mom and dad. I love you." -You replied.

He did as you told and closed himself in the closet. You went to the kitchen and picked a chef knife you had, it was your favorite because it was very dull, so if you stabed someone with it, it will surely hurt.

That's something you learned the hard way.

You went upstairs scared, thinking about all that could happen to you, or if that someone was armed. It was very clear that you were scared, your palms were sweaty and you had a really bad feeling.

You went upstairs, opened really slowly the door, trying to not make any sound..

A new friend || Ben Drowned X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now