i killed someone for you :)

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(kurt's pov)

i'm sorry that i did this.

the bloods on my hands.

i stare at my reflection.

i don't know who i am.

i practice my confession incase i take the stand.
i'll just say "i learned my lesson, i'll be a better man."

i'm packing up my things and i'm wiping down the walls.
i'm rinsing off my clothes and i'm walking through the halls.

but i did it all for her so i felt nothing at all.

i don't know what she'll say so i'll ask her when i call.

y/n pov)

i'm laying down on my couch watching a movie in the dark as i realize kurt calls me.

i loved kurt but i knew he'd never feel the same so i moved onto someone else and i'd say thing have been going good between us.

i answer kurt and the second he starts to freak out on me with some scary questions.

"would you love me more, if i killed someone for you?" he asks

"kurt what?" i ask confused.

"would you hold my hands? they're the same ones that i used while i killed someone for you." kurt exclaims.

"kurt what the actual fuck are you talking about right now?" i ask getting kinda nervous.

i always thought wouldn't hurt a fly but maybe i was wrong.

"y/n would you turn me in when they say i'm in the loose."

"i-i no i wouldn't but- just wtf did you do?"

"would you hide me when my face is on the news?" he asks.

"yes kurt but wtf you better be just messing around honestly what did you do?!" i say panicked.

"well i killed someone for you." he says and i don't know to believe him or not.

i hear the sirens and kurt's hangs up.

kurt's pov)

i hear the sirens coming.

i see the flashing lights.

i'm driving through the suburbs and i show up at her door step to look her in the eyes.

i tell her that it's me but she doesn't recognize.

"y/n for fuck sake cant you see i'm running? i need a place to hide! i've gotta ask you something so could you please let me in side! just let me explain! you know i wouldn't tell you lies. i know you'll understand if you just let me stay the night." i beg.

she finally nods and let's me inside and quickly shuts the door.

i see her panicked face and i almost feel bad.

i grab her cheek softly backing her up to the wall.

"would you love me more if i killed someone for you?" i ask walking her backwards and her eyes immediately flush with tears when her back hits the wall and she nods no.

"would you hold my hand? you know that same ones that i used. bc i killed some one for you."

she starts to cry.

"y/n would you turn me in when they say i'm on the loose?" i ask

i watch her sob and nod no.

"would you hide me when my face is on the news? bc i killed someone for you." i ask one last time.

she nods yes sheepishly and i hug her tightly.

"y/n you have to understand that the one i killed was me. changing who i was for who you wanted me to be. i followed you directions did almost every thing you asked. i hope it makes you happy. " i say

i hug her tighter.

"because there's just no turning back."

(sooo basically the songs over but i could keep going with the plot or i could just keep going with more songs idk it's up to you guys!"

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now