mommy <3

506 7 25

(smut u whore)

i woke up with kurt for the first time in months.

it was so comforting.

once kurt and i finally fully woke up i went to the kitchen to make us some food.

soon enough kurt started to get touchy, i knew he wouldn't last to long being so touch starved in prison.

kurt snook up on me and hug me slowly but tightly from behind.

it did somewhat scare me when he at first wrapped his hands around me.

kurt's pov)

i bit my lip softly once i put my arms around y/n

i missed her.

"this, uhm this almost done?" i ask.

"just finished" she says turning off the stove and turing around to face me.

she kisses me passionately.

yes finally.

i miss he back as she walks me to the bedroom.

i moan slightly into the kiss once she starts to use her tongue.

she closes the door and i sit down backing up onto the bed.

she crawls back down on top of me.
she wraps her fingers in my hair and smiles.

"ready baby?" she asks and i nod quickly.

she takes off my shirt and runs her hands down my chest.

rubbing down my nips softly making me wince.

she takes off her shirt and shorts.

i take the look of her almost nude body.

damn was it so hot.

y/n was so hot.

she pulled down my sweats and boxers.

she smiles before leaving down and slowly starting to suck me off.

god damn did it feel good.

not to shortly after she stops, making me whimper in lack of pleasure.

she takes off her bra and underwear.

i bit my lip and closed my eyes once she lowers herself on my dick.

i moan and moaned as she kept a fast and steady pace.

i loved her being in control.

"m-more please" i moan out oncr she starts to slow down.

"more what? use you words baby i thought we went over this last time?" she says.

"f-faster more fast please i'm good boy" i say groaning out.

she smiles sweetly before going a lot faster then k thought she was gonna.

she was moaning almost as loud as i was.

"th-this- damnit fuck" she says gasping.

"use your words sweetheart" i cockily joke before immediately regretting it or enjoying it more.

she went even faster after my comment.

i threw my head back and couldn't really control my moans anymore.

soon enough we both finish.

making me cream pie her.

damn did she not feel good.

i knew i made her feel good as-well but i wanted to do more.

once she pulled away from my chest i looked up at her.

"m-mommy?" i ask and her eyes widen.

"mommy?" she repeats.

"m-mhm, c-can you sit on my face please i've been a good boy just for you" i ask and she immediately blushes and tells me no.

"no kurt i don't wanna hurt you" she says.

"you- you won't hurt me! i promise! please y/n for me"

she hesitated but agreed after kurt got his sweats on again.

y/n pov)

i slowly got my self to hover over kurt's face lightly.

i didn't want to fully sit on him just bc i was scared.

kurt gave me one long and slow lick.

i gasp softly before pulling upwards a bit.

i've never been eaten out before.

kurt's hands wrap amount my thighs as he pulls me down all the way on his face.

i moaned softly as he started to go down on me.

he didn't really know what he was doing but it still felt nice.

really nice to be honestly.

i moaned louder as the fear of squishing kurt started to fade away.

i slowly started to grind a little on his mouth and
i felt him smile.

he kept going down on me almost hitting every spot i could imagine.

kurt's moans from just enjoying it send vibrations through my entire body.

i moaned louder once he started to go faster.

and faster.

"oh my god kurt" i moan out throwing my head back.

i feel my self getting closer and closer to my release.

"kurt fuck omg" i groan

"kurt i'm gonna, i'm gonna cum"

kurt keeps going.

i finally groan as i finish.

kurt gives one last lick before i get off of him panting.

he sits up and licks his lips.

"that was awesome, you taste so sweet doll"

i smile slightly before getting dressed again.

kurt goes and washed his face off and lays down with me.

it was a bit awkward to be honest.

"i'm gonna uhm go get some food do you want a plate?" i ask getting up

"oo yea please" kurt says.

i get us both plates and bring them back to bed.

where the smell of lust still lingered.

i sat down next to him cross crossed and put something on the tv.

we ate, laughed and watched tv for the rest of the night.

i was glad to have kury back but it didn't really feel the same  as it used to.

i still loved kurt.

goddamn u whore 🤨 i really just caught you AGAIN in 4k 😧 what are you doing with your life reading smut about a serial killer mm? 🤨🤨🤨/j

im just playin don't take offense to that please 😭

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now