fun :)

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well no matter what this isn't gonna end well but i can try to help the situation a bit.

but josh was starting to get weird and touchy which honestly started to freak me out.

and honestly josh was kinda annoying.

"soo uhm don't mind these cameras around the car they are for everyone's safety oh annnd there are free waters back there uhm go ahead and have one they are free" kurt says kinda awkwardly making me giggle.

i couldn't help it, any time kurt was awkward it made me laugh.

josh smiles "so uh the waters free or nah?" josh jokingly asks.

"uhm yup they are free" kurt says popping the p in "yup"

which made me giggle some more.

kurt was trying to look in the mirror to see who i was since my giggle sounded familiar.

he eventually gave up.

but then josh starts to get touchy again.

rubbing my high inner thigh and just being kinda weird as kurt kept glanced back at us.

it made me feel uncomfortable but i didn't wanna say anything

once we finally reaches somewhere i didn't want him to i try to pull away.

"dude stop wtf" i say fixing my dress.

kurt looks back in the mirror.

"y/n i'm just messing with you cmon"he saying grabbing me again.

"no josh fuck off your so weird" i say pulling back and the car comes to and absolute stop in some dirt road.

"y/n?" kurt asks not upsetly and more of a "i wanna protect you" way.

"yes kurt it's me" i say ashamed.

"babe you know this weirdo?" josh asks outting his hand on my thigh once more.

"don't call me babe josh and don't touch me" i say pushing him off.

"also yeah ik kurt and he's not a weirdo he's actually my best friend." j say defending kurt.

kurt smiles slightly.

"ok i'm sorry i was rude to your friend baby but cmon please don't be mad at me" he say says touching me again.

"out." kurt says pointing his finger at josh.

"me? she's the one being all fucking rude and shit" josh says jumping up and throwing his arms around.

"i don't care you like assaulted her get out" kurt says all mad which made me smile.

"fine fine 1 fucking star for you fucking beta" josh says getting out of the car.

i watch as josh's gets out of the car and starts walking behind it.

i thank kurt repetitively telling him i'm sorry i didn't tell him.

kurt wasn't to mad it did kinda hurt his feelings a bit but honestly nothing he wasn't used to.

"ugh someone needs to hit that asshole with a car" i sarcastically state.

"haha yeah yeah.." kurt smiles into the camera next to him

suddenly the car backs up fastly into josh.

"KURT WHAT THE HELL" i scream as jury turns his head to get a better look at joshes unconscious body.

"woah are you guys seeing this?" he asks his viewers.

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now