lemonade <3

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(⚠️before your read i just wanted to say i have no ideas on what to write tbh, so this is just more smut)


a few nights later i was in the kitchen making some lemonade for kurt and i.

kurt walks out of my room slowly.

i didn't notice him till he wrapped his arms around me.

kinda scared me but i loved it when he hugged me from behind.

"almost done?" he asks.


"how bout you take a break from that and help me with something?" he asks a bit stuttery like he wants to be confident but he's struggling

"yeah? with what?" i ask.

he nods and slowly starts to move his hands before going and kissing my neck.

"i think you know" kurt replies.

"oh yeah?" i say turning to face him.

he nods and smiles.

he reaches downwards and grabs me and lifts me up to be on the kitchen counter.

he keeps his hands around my ass and rubs slowly.

i put my arms around his neck and look up to him.

he kisses me slowly.

he pulls away from our slow and long kiss.

"fuck y/n, your so pretty"

he's compliment made me blush a bit.

i slide down the counter as he brings me to the bedroom slowly.

he lays me down on the bed slowly and crawls on top to keep kissing.

honestly i liked being bottom better anyway.

he pulled away to kiss at my neck as i toyed with his waist band.

i let out soft gasps as kurt started to suck on my neck.

finally kurt still mad took off his shirt.

and i took off mine.

we went back down to slow kissing and being handsy.

kurt pulled down his pants and helped me pull down mine.

he pulled down my underwear and his boxers.

he awkwardly lines him self up with me and slowly thrusts.

i gasp softly.

he puts his hands on my wrists and keeps a slowly and steady pace.

he pants loudly.

i blushed and would look away when we'd make eye contact.

kurt loved eye contact tho.

he slowly started to speed up once he started to get used to what he was doing.

my pants slowly turned into moans.

kurt was hitting every spot perfectly.

he leaning down to kiss me more.

we both moan into the kiss as kurt started to speed up a little more.

"fuck" he says under his breath letting his head drop.

i let out soft moans and pants

"y-you like that doll?" he asks and i nod.

"use your words baby i thought you went over this" he says.

"y-yes kurt" i say blushing.

"good girl" he says speeding up a bit.

my moans and pasts got louder as i scratched kurt's back.

kurt was very loud aswell.

"k-kury im gonna cum" i say panting.

"it's alright baby s-same"

kurt started to speed up a lot.

"fuck, kurt" i moan before finishing.

it didn't take kurt long to finish after me.

he collapsed softly into my chest.

"fuck" he says laying down.

after that he gets dressed and so do i.

he just put back on his sweats tho with out his shirt.

which the no shirt+sweats combo always got me.

i got into one of kurt's hoodies and a pair of my nike pros.

it was a dorky rick and morty hoodie kurt got from some convention.

it was super comfy tho.

i completely forgot shut the lemonade i was making till kurt rudely interrupted me 🙄

i washed my hands and finished up our lemonade.

i liked to make them all pretty with the rim covered in sugar and a lemon slice.

i gave kurt his lemonade and put my down on the end table.

"mm this is so good, thank you doll" he says taking another sip before setting it down.


we cuddle and watch tiktoks on my phone for a while.

till we decided we wanted to go to bed and watch tv.

i was fine with sleeping whenever i loved sleeping.

kurt was the big spoon all the time.

i loved the feeling of being held.

especially by someone i loved.

especially by kurt.

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now