snacks :)

239 8 19

(fluff :) this one for you bro bbyybbaa )

kurt left the next day to go home bc his dad needed him.

which honestly wasn't that big of a deal.

i needed to go shopping tho i was all out of snacks.

i started to just watch tiktok until my cramps started to really hurt.


i decided to text kurt bc i was bored and alone.

me: heyyyy

kurt: hey wyd?

me: oh nm my cramps are getting kinda bad and i'm super bored so i decided to text you lmfao

kurt: oh lol

me: yeah anyway how was your day? what did you're dad want?

kurt: oh it was pretty good he wanted me to work on some sick beats.

me: lmaoo nice

kurt:yeah lol

welp ig that was the end of that conversation

ugh damn was i bored.

whatver i just kept watching tiktok till about 15 minutes later i saw headlights pull up.

it was dark so i couldn't really see the car.

i was scared bc no one warned me about coming over.

i texted kurt.

me: kurt someone's like at my house and idk who it is and i'm watching a scary movie and like ahh i'm so scared lmao

kurt didn't answer me.

i started to spam kurt but he still wasn't answering

i just gave up.

i got up to see what was going on like any dumb white girl in the movies.

buti did have a hand gun kurt got me for protection.

just because i lived alone and stuff.

i walked out slowly to the kicthen ready to shoot if i needed.

i turn on the kicthen light and ping the gun at the intruder.

"get tf- kurt? tf you doing you gave me a heart attack istg" i say putting down the gun and going to give him a hug.

"welllll i didn't want you to know i was here obvi? anyway i got you like snacks he says painting at the bag of shit form a gas station.

"awe how sweet" i say looking through the bag.

it contained of chips, pop, candy and a pint size thing of ice cream for us to share.

"welll you said you were watching a scary movie?" kurt asks.


"mind if i join?" kurt asks grabbing the bag

"no cmon in!"

"hood bc i was staying anyway" he says walking through my door and and laying down.

"oh and grab a spoon while your still in the kicthen" he yells from my room.

i rolled my eyes and grabbed a spoon.

we layed down together and shared our ice cream.

once we were done with our ice cream kirt reached for the back of chips.

"no kurt istg, if your gonna eat some chips go grab a damn plate bc yiy get crumbs EVERYWHERE" i say pointing to the kitchen.

"ughh" he whines like a child.

i giggled softly when kury walked in the room and frisbeed his plate to my bed.

"Booyaaaa"  he says landing his plate perfectly in his spot.

which made me giggle some more.
kurt ate the chips and i all his crumbs fell on the plate and not into my bed.

once he was down with the chips i showe him how much crumbs get on his plate from just half a bag.

"seeee?" i say pointing

"ope sorry bout that" he says putting his plate down.

hey lays down to cuddle me.

he was so warm.

"i love you" he says smiling.

"i love you too kurt"

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now