put me in a movie <3

322 8 23

kurt and i got in a big argument.

i haven't talked to him in weeks.

and i have been completely fine with out him.

sure he was my best friend but i still had other friends.

if someone leaves my life or i leave someone else's life it's for a reason.

i don't NEED kurt and kurt doesn't NEED me.

but it was nice to pop into his live every once in a while.

i thought it was kinda cute the way he started every stream saying "lights, camera actioooon"

but todays stream was different.

i join his stream to hear kury in a very upsetting tone.




he sadly smiles.

"y/n you know i can't make it own my own" he hesitantly states.

he gulps as he reaches for something on his desk.

"put me in a movie" he says before looking down into the barrel of the gun.

i gasp.

i immediately start texting in chat.





i stop once he looks at the camera and smiles cockily.

"y/n you care?"


"i thought you hated me now?"

"no kurt i love you, please come over so we can talk this out."

"alright i'm on my way." he says before grabbing his keys and ending the stream smiling.

damn it was kurt actually gonna kill himself?

or did he really just need my attention.


whatever i had a few minutes to think till kurt arrived.

maybe it would be best for kurt if i brought him to a mental hospital?

no he'd never forgive me.

i could just let this whole thing playlist to see what happens to kurt?

but that's sounds so messed up and i'm not like that.

soon enough i see kurt's headlights.


i get up to greet kurt at the door today.

before i could say anything he wraps his arms around me for a tight hug.

"i'm sorry y/n and i'm being deadass i'm so sorry" he says holding me tightly.

i hug him back.

this time it felt so much more for real but i didn't really know.

he uglily sobs into my shoulder backing me up against the kitchen counter.

i hold him tightly then softly push him off me to look at him in his face.

"hey hey it's alr i promise kurt listen to me" i say pushing some of the hair out his his eyes.

he stared down at me depressingly.

"y/n" he murmurs.

"yes kurt?" i wrapping my wrists around the back of his neck.

"please ever ghost me again i missed you so much" he says.

"i promise kurt ily sm"


we share a slight smile together before kurt steps away.

"so we cool now?" he asks and i nod.

"good bc i am starving" he says going through my fridge.

"kurt are you serious"

"yeah" he says reaching for some left over Chinese food from last night.

"can i have this?" he asks.

"only if you let me have a couple bites" i reply.

"bet" he says getting some silverware then sitting on the couch to watch tv like he owns my house.

i walk over after grabbing a drink and sitting next to kurt.

we take turns eating the chinese.

once we finish the movie we go to lay down in bed.

i lay down as kurt lays down on top of me cuddling around my breasts.

i put my hands in his hair and soothingly scratch his head.

"hey kurt?"


"do you just wanna say fuck it and date already?" i ask and he shoots up quickly turning pink.

"date? like me and you? like you be my girlfriend?"

"yeah kurt date like me be your girlfriend" i chuckle out and he nods yes quickly.

i smile as he just stares at me.

"your my first girlfriend like- like ever  i've never had a girlfriend till now " he stutters out excitedly.

i smile.

"dude y/n i've had a crush on you since like i met you like idk but your so gorgeous"

i smile wider.

"thank you kurt your not so bad yourself" i joke moving hair out of his face as his eyes widen.

"m-me? i'm not so bad? i-i've never gotten a compliment from a girl.. besides my grandma but that uh that doesn't count"

i giggle and pull him down and each for the remote.

"omg mean girls is leaving netflix soon? nah kurt we have to watch this"

"y/n baby i-i'm not gonna watch some 2000s highschool girl movie" he says.

"the fuck you are" i say playing it.

"you'll like it a promise"

(after the movie)

"see kurt wasn't that good?"

"that was crazy that was like woah is that what highschool is like for girls?"

"no kurt just in the movie" i giggle.

"oh well ngl it was a good movie i liked it" he says and i laugh at him.

"what you said i'd like it? what's so funny i don't get it"

"kurt i told you it was good" i smile

we put on another movie that didn't really matter and slowly fall asleep.

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now