unexpected visitor.

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a couple days later kurt felt just fine.

but i did tell him ge should probably go home to see his family and stuff.

he just didn't wanna go with out me.

i hated his dad though.

kris always made me feel really uncomfortable.

but i'd go just for a little for kurt.

we arrive at kurt's house and kurt smiles.

"dad im back and i brought y/n for a little i hope that's ok" kurt says while taking his shoes off at the front door.

kris walks up to us.

"hey y/n i haven't seen you in a while you look just as good as always" kris jokes and i smile awkwardly.

kurt didn't like when his dad would say weird shot to me like that and just glared at kris.

"kurt you've been gone a couple nights haha did y/n over here take ur virginity" kris jokes which really grossed me and kurt out.

"no dad it's not even- it's not even like that" he says grabbing my arm to pull me to his room.

"and just so you know dad i was sick and y/n took care of me unlike you ever uh have" he says slamming the door.

"ugh i'm sorry y/n i forgot what a creep he was towards you" he says plopping down on his bed.

"it's alr" i say sitting down next to him in his bed.

i hated the fact his mattress didn't actually have a bed.

it wasn't uncomfortable but it was just weird.

his room wasn't the cleanest but wasn't the messiest.

he decides he's gonna stream him playing some games.

i ask a few of my internet popular friends to shout him out to make him happier.

kurt had 3k views and was so happy streaming and getting donations left and right.

it made me happy seeing him happy.

even tho he was a murderer.

once he was done streaming he got a total of 4,420 views in total.

and around 87$ from donations.

he loved the attention he got online.

"hey y/n uhm you can uh leave now if you want as long you uhm text me when ever you want ok? and uhm when you get home so ik if you got home safe" he awkwardly says.

i smile and nod standing up.

i hug him softly as he hugs me firmer.

"kurt i'll see you soon it's not like i'm never gonna see you again" i say pulling away to look at him.

"yeah well uhm yeah just i'll talk to you later"

"bye kurt" i smile and leave the room and his house.

i start the car.

the second i pull out onto the main highway kurt facetimes me.

i set up my phone on the phone thing i have in my car that holds up my phone so he can see me.

"kurt i literally say you like 20 seconds ago"

"i-i know it's just i miss you already" he whines

"kurt you were never like this before is something on your mind?" i ask knowing exactly what was on his mind.

"no.. i just wanna talk to you" he smiles slightly.

"kurt see you sure it's not bc we fucked?" i half joke.

"i- what no absolutely not uhm no why would you like being that up bc that's not the reason i wanna talk to you more" he awkwardly states.

i smile and look at my phone

"kurt i was only joking" i say pulling down my street

he scoffs.

once i get in side i stay on the phone with kurt.

kurt and i stay on the phone for an hour or so till i realize kurt left a white long sleeve here that he stole from bobby.

"kurt you left a shirt here" i tell him while grabbing it.

"damn can you give me that tmr" he asks

"oh yeah for sure" i say tossing it onto my bed.

"kurt i'm gonna go now" i say and he groans.

"ughhhh fine i'll talk to you later or something" he groans and hangs up.

the nerve he hung up on me 🙄

i make my self dinner while listening to music.

it felt weird being alone after being with kurt these pass couple nights.

i did feel a bit watched making my food though.

i just couldn't see outside because it's dark out.

i did get a weird feeling when looking at my big glass sliding door that led to the porch.

once i was done cooking i had some courage  to open it.

i didn't see anyone but i did see a little white and grey kitten swiftly run inside.

"omg" i slide the door shut and kneel down infront on the meowing kitten.

"hey hey it's ok" i smile and out my hand infront of it.

the kitten smells my hand then rubs her face against it.

i smile.

i gently pick her up and my food and bring her to bed.

i set her down lightly then set down my food on the nightstand and start to play with her.

she warmed up to me fast.

i pull out my phone to snap kurt.

"kurt look at this cute kitten that i found just now :)" i send him

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"kurt look at this cute kitten that i found just now :)" i send him.

it only took kurt a couple seconds to answer.

"y/n aren't you allergic?" he says ignoring how cute the cat is.

"only slightly" i reply petting the cat.

the kitten starts to purr and i smile.

kurt ft me.

"y/n im not gonna deal with yiy sniffling and sneezing all the time your gonna have to get rid of it" kurt says

"ugh no i love her"

"you've known the cat for 5 minutes y/n"

"ok and i still love her"

"whatever but like i don't like cats y/n"

"well that's on you kurt"

he groans and hangs up.

i knew that kurt would love the kitten 5 minutes after he sees her too.

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now