into it <3

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(more smut because i have no ideas on what to write to help the actual storyline please i'm begging give me ideas)

later on the night kurt and i were just cuddling.

i started to touch around his chest.

took kurt a minute to realize what i wanted but he was all for it.

kurt had his back against the back board of the bed and i was facing him.

he took off his shirt and reached for mine.

it was insane how he was always horny.

i let him take off my shirt as i crawl closer on top his lap.

i put my arms around his neck as start to slowly make out with him.

he wraps his hands around my waist and starts to rub my waist.

i stop kissing for a minute and pull away.

"goddamnit y/n, your so beautiful" he says moving the hair out of my face.

i smile and reach down his his pants.

slightly palming him.

he gasps softly and watches my fingers toy around with his waist band slowly.

he hated it when i went painfully to slow for him.

i finally pull down his sweats and boxers.

he groans eagerly.

i very slowly start to stroke him off.

a little to slow.

"fuck" he whines.

"what's wrong baby? you can tell me it's alr" i say.

"n-nothing i-it's fine" he says blushing looking away.

"your so cute when your shy" i say speeding up quickly.

kurt gasps loudly and watches my hand.

his eyes trail from my body back to watching me stroke him off iver and over again.

i start to get faster and faster.

"d-doll i'm gonna, fuck" he says right before finishing all on my hands.

"fuck" he says panting.

he watches wide eyed as i licked the cum off my hands.

"now that's a good boy" i says smiling.

"i- y/n?"he asks.


"e-even tho i uhm i finish, c- can we keep going?" he asks softly.

i didn't really mind.

"y-yeah sure that's fine uhm what do you wanna do with me?" i ask him.

"i-i want to uhm.. idk uhm.. just like i-"

"use your words sweetheart" i smile.

"i just want you to, be like top or, or like the dominant one"  he whimpers.


he nods.

"i-i want you to- uhm s-slap me" kurt mutters out.

"you want me to slap you? like across the face?"

he nods.

my eyes widened.

i knew what to do.

i got back into kurt's lap and out my hand onto his cheek softly.

i lowered my self onto his dick slowly.

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now