puppy dog eyes <3

493 9 65

(smut🤪🤪 dom!reader and sub!kurt)

i wake up to be in one of kurt's hoodies and a pair of my nike pros.

(like any other basic bitch 🤪)

did we do something last night?

i thought i feel asleep in my dress.

i look over to kurt who also just woke up.

i blushes softly watching his bare back stretch.

he always slept in just sweat pants.

kurt turns over to me.

"your your awake?" he asks before fully turning to me.

"yeah i am" i say sitting up and stretching.

"hey so like last night i uhm changed you but like i promise i didn't look and i just wanted you to be comfy and like i'm sorry if your mad i just didn't want you to be uncomfortable" he rambles on.

it was quite cute the how much kurt cared for my comfort.

"oh yeah it's uhm fine thank you" i say smiling.

kurt blushed slightly and smiled.

"so uhm i-i need to go i hsve to film a youtube video bc i have 11 days before the lesson" he says looking down at me.

"what's the lesson?" i ask very confused.

"well it's a live stream i'm gonna have that teaches people to uhm boost there social media game and uh my friend bobby was gonna shout me out" he says awkwardly like he was trying to hide something.

"oh ok yeah that's uhm fine yeah go ahead." i say kinda upset that kurt was leaving.

"ok uhm bye y/n" he says walking out of my door.

"yeah bye" i say reaching for my phone slightly frowning.

river climbs on my chest and lays down.

i smile and start to pet her as i watch tiktok and snap people.

hours go by with out me every realizing.

it was soon 2pm.

"damn have i really been in bad that long?" i ask myself.

i was so lazy when i didn't have another friend so so stuff with.

i was also still trying to recover what happened last night.

i have other friends to hang out with but the only person i wanted to see was kurt.

was that weird?

no it wasn't weird kurt and i were only friends

he only liked me as a friend and i only liked him as a friend.

wanting to see my best friend wasn't weird it was completely normal.

but was only wanting to see your best friend who you HAD strong feelings for weird?

no it couldn't be.

hours and hours pass by and i really only laying in bed.

apart for the fact i've showered and fed the cat today i've done nothing productive.

it was now 10pm and i've had no contact with kurt since 11am.

he normally never stops texting me and always texts first.

maybe to should text him.

i put on some music on my tv and the second i reach for my phone i get a snap from kurt.

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now