live a little (smut)

832 10 57

i woke up cuddling kurt.

kurt was already awake on his phone watching bobby's youtube videos on the tv.

kurt was already awake on his phone watching bobby's youtube videos on the tv

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(but with kurt's hand i'm your hair.)

i don't think i've ever slept so well in my life until now being with kurt.

i've always made kurt sleep on the couch when he's stayed the night but this was different.

even tho we were still friends it was just different.

kurt smiles.

"good morning y/n" he smiles and looks back at the tv.

"good morning kurt." i say sitting up and stretching.

once i get off of him kurt groans in lack of touch.

"y/n come back i wanna be warm with you on me like that it was so comfyyy" he says rolling over.

"no kurt i need to shower"


i smile and roll my eyes while grabbing my towel.

once i'm done showering, drying my hair and getting dressed i walk into my room and kurt smiles holding out his arms for me to go lay with his again.

i go and lay on one side of him and he puts his arm around me and i lean my head on his side.

he smiles and we spend all day watching movies and taking naps till sunset.

sunset and night is when kurt and i did most of our messing around.

kurt was getting extra touchy today.

rubbing my thighs and stuff like that.

he finally looks at me with an idea that stunned me.

"wanna make a sextape?" kurt asks and i don c know how to answer.

"kurt what?"

"yk us having sex and me record it obviously it's right in the name y/n sex- tape cmon"

"Kurt ik what a fucking sextape is it's just that was a very unexpected question"

"ohh yeah well do you please y/n itll really help me get my platform off the ground with such a a hot girl like you in it just sayin and i'll tell you what i'll give you half the money i make off it pleaseeee"

"omg fine"


kurt goes to set up his camera and his phone so there both streaming.

his camera is at an angle that sees the entire bed.

and his phone is in his hand but rn it's in the end table set up against a cup.

im only in my bra and underwear but kurt's fully dressed.

kurt's gotten a couple shout outs by my mutuals who are pretty popular so his numbers built fast.

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now