im so obsessed with you </3 (smut 😔)

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(haha smut- w a size kink btw-)

kurt's pov)

we sit on the couch on silence watching y/ns favorite movie for a while.

she leans her head on my shoulder and blush.

"k-kurt?" she sheepishly asks.

i feel terrible knowing the girl i love the most is terrified of me.

"yeah y/n?"

"who did you you know uhm kill?" she asks with her voice cracking at the end of the sentence.

i get a bit scared but realize i'm into deep not to man up.

"uhm.. look i'm so sorry y/n i just-" she cuts me off.

"kurt who did you kill." she says sitting up.

"b-blake." i say looking away

"you-.. killed blake..?" she says with her eyes watering which soon burst into tears.

"i look y/n i- i'm sorry? well i am but idk what came over me i- i'm truly sorry y/n"

"kurt get out of my house. istg you literally ruin everything's that makes me slightly happy. get the fuck out of my house before i put your ass behind FUCKING BARS." she says standing up and i feel my heart drop.

i didn't know how to handle the situation besides with anger back.

i stand up and she starts to back up in fear.

"y/n please baby let me stay here i- i'm so inlove with you it's not even love any more i'm just like..

im so obsessed with you."

i say backing her up against the wall with my hand on her cheek and my other on her side. i must of looked like the complete psycho i really am.. and she looks so scared.

even tho she did look a bit turn on?

she leans her head into my chest and sobs.

"no please don't hurt me kurt i don't want to die im to young i have so much more i wanna live for please i'll do anything i just don't want to die" she says shaking her head no.

"hey hey i'm not gonna hurt you i promise i would never hurt you i love you way to much doll."

she stops crying and i feel her smile against my chest.

"d-doll?" she giggles and looks up at me.

our size difference really turned me on. that doesn't make me weird does it?

"heheh uh yeah? was that weird?" i ask

"no no i thought it was actually kinda hot.." she says rubbing my chest and looking up at me

i feel my self turn red.

"i uh- thanks? hah uhm.." i say taking my hands off her and stepping back a bit.

"i- oh sorry uhm." she says putting her hands to her side awkwardly

i smile awkwardly and look away

"wanna just uhm watch the movie?" she asks and i nod yes.

we lie down together and cuddle.

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now