kurt and my family..

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(more fluff! kurt and little kids :) )

a couple hours go by and kurt and i have been pretty close.

it finally came time for me to go to my parents house and leave kurt but he didn't wanna leave me.

"kurt i have to go soon and your not aloud to come with"

"y/n just don't goooo i wanna eat more chips and watch moviesss" he whines like a 8 year old boy.

"kurt that all sounds nice but i have to go but your welcomed to stay here by yourself if it means you get to stay way from your dad." i offer him and he groans

"please y/n can i just go with you? as friendss" he complains flopping down on the bed as i get my shows on.

"you so clingy today" i joke.

"ok and? i wanna be with you."

"ugh fine you can come but don't be super awkward and just don't be rude to anyone please."

"YES!" he says throwing his hands up in victory.

he hurries to get his shoes on and we get in my car but he drives.

"sooo who's all gonna be there?" kurt asks.

"uhm like a lot of my family members. i just can't wait to see my nieces. two twin girls and there so cute"

"yeah? how old are they" kurt asks again.

kurt's never been the biggest fan of little kinda so this wasn't another reason i didn't want him to come.

"uh maybe like 7-8? idk there super cute with there matching outfits and hair styles every day. i can't wait to have kids of my own!" i say.

kurt groans and keeps driving.

once we arrive i see all my family members and introduce them to kurt.

i finally get to see the twins and their faces light up.

"omg hiii!" i say hugging both of them and kurt just stands there.

"aunty y/n who's this man?" avery asks kinda shyly.

Avery was always shy but Evelyn was never shy and super outgoing.

"is he your boy frienddd?" Evy asks

"ewww boys are so gross" Avery says while sticking her tongue out

i giggle and look at kurt who fakes being deeply offended and puts his hand on his heart to mess around with the girls which makes me smile more.

"no i'm not y/n boyfriend i'm just her friend. i'm kurt!" he says smiling and evy and Avery take his hands to drag him inside to their room.

i smile and follow to make sure kurt doesn't say or do anything stupid.

the twins sit kurt down on they're bed too talk to him and play with his hair.

kurt's pov)

i was scared i'd say something or just be annoyed by the twins but they were actually quite cute.

i smile as they play with my hair and talk to me.

y/n not in the room yet.

maybe she trusts me with her two nieces.

"so mr do you have a crush on my aunty?" the girl i've heard be called evelyn and evy asks me.

"i do! i have the biggest crush on your aunt y/n" i joke with them and they both go "ewwww" at the same time.

i always wished i had a younger sister to take care of so this was almost like fulfilling my dreams.

"i bet aunty has a crush on him to" avery whispers to evy and evy giggles.

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now