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a couple months have gone by since i had put kurt in prison.

now it was a week or so before christmas.

i always dreamed of having my christmas with kurt and having christmas pajamas and cute stuff but i mean everything happens for a reason.

i tried with brent but i'm not really over kurt.

brent and i are just talking still.

but i've never had the guts to visit kurt when it was visiting day bc i'm the reason he's in prison.

till today.

i dressed nicely before brushing the snow off my car.

i took a deep breath before starting it and pulling out of my driveway.

once i got to the prison i walked in sheepishly.

it didn't really smell the best but whatever.

i followed everyone else's family becuase they new where to go.

once i talked to an officer who i was visiting his eyes widened.

"ok uhm i have to be in there with you we can't bring him out and stuff" he cop says.

"i have to be in the prison with him?"

"yeah but he'll be chained up and i'll be there so it won't be that big of a deal i promise."

we walked over to kurt's cell and the cop bangs on the bars.

kurt was just laying there reading a magazine they let him have.

"Aye kunkle you have a visitor" the officer says before opening kurt's cell door and lightly pushing me in.

kurt's eyes widen.

"y/n?" he asks.


kurt springs up to hug me but the officer interferes.

"kurt we have to chain you up" he says

"what the hell! fucking pig"kurt says and my eyes widen.

"yeah stfu kunkle your not to perfect either" he says putting big cuffs around his wrists and ankles.

i walk over and hug kurt even tho he couldn't hug me back.

kurt's eyes water.

"y/n i thought i'd never see you again"

"i-i thought i'd say hey it's almost christmas after all" i say.

"are you still scared of me? bc i promise i- i've changed please bail me out y/n" kurt says stumbling closer to me.

i flinch back in fear.

"you are still scared of me.. look i'm sorry i-"

"kurt just shut up" i say.

"yes ma'am" he says smiling and nodding.

i back up a couple steps.

"i'm gonna do whatever i can do ok? it's just kurt."


"i'm seeing someone new, we're not dating we're just talking but-"

"oh" kurt says interrupting me.

i felt my own heart break.

"i'm sorry kurt."

"y-yeah i get it who would want to be seen with a homocidle maniac like me mm?" he says giving himself a small smile.

kurt and i talk for hours till the guards make me leave.

"hey uhm merry christmas kurt" i say smirking before looking down and storminb out.

i go home and bawl my eyes out.

i cuddle with river and cry all night.

i miss kurt.

i love kurt.

i don't love brent.

brent just helped me once

like any good officer.

fuck i hate my life.

i saw kirt on christmas to talk to him for a couple hours and bring him some stuff that the jail approved of.

i had weekly visits with kurt for a couple months.

it was valentine's day so i came to mitt with some more jail approved stuff.

kurt lovef the teddy bear i got him a lot.

he likes to cuddle it at night

finally came the day kurt's dad decided to bail him out of jail.

i didn't think it was a good decision to be honest but whatever.

kurt just needed to write a speech for his court case.  

it was the day of kurt's court case and i went with brent just because i needed someone there with me.

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now