sick <3

400 9 14

i wake up to kurt running into the bathroom to throw up.

i spring up and go sit down next to him in the by the toilet.

"hey hey it's ok" i say rubbing his back.

the club was really gross and germy so i wouldn't doubt it if kurt caught something from there.

he gets a break for a second and wipes his mouth.

"y/n i don't feel good.." he groans and lets his head fall into the toilet once more to finish throwing up.

once he was done i helped him clean up his face and wash his mouth.

"what's wrong? like what are ur symptoms?" j ask young and laying him down in bed.

"i stomach ache, my throat hurts, my head hurts and i'm super hot" he groans and rolls over.

"oh jeez im sorry kurt" i say rubbing his back and looking at the tv.

"i can go get you a sprite or something? it makes you some soup." i suggest

"yes yes both sound so nice.. go into my wallet and grab some money for the sprite." he points to his wallet.

"kurt a sprites like 2 bucks i can pay for it my self"

"ughhhh omg fine whatver just please gooo oh and get me some cough drops" he says while reaching for my pillow and cuddling it.

i smile and grab my keys.

i drive down to the gas station near by and get him like three sprites and some cough drops.

i pay for my stuff and drive home.

i walk in the door to kurt pouring him self a glass of cereal.

"kuuurt i told you i'd be home soon you didn't need to get up" i say putting his stuff down and putting my hands on his hips to face him.

"oh uhm ik" he sighs and looks down at me as he puts his hands on my arms.

i blush slightly and let go of him.

"i uhm here's a sprite and ur cough drops i'll put the others in the fridge." i say grabbing them and stocking them in the fridge.

"oh uh thank you y/n" he sneezes

"yeah no problem"

"i can make you some soup or you go lay down" i say pushing him lightly to go back to bed.

he waddles over to bed slowly groaning.

i start the oven up and start to make him some soup.

once i was done i pour a bowl for kurt.

i give it to kurt telling him what's in it

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i give it to kurt telling him what's in it.

"it's a chicken mushroom creamy soup youll like it"

he grabs the soup.

almost like in the movies he was all hunched on her with the blanket wrapped around him in the dark.

he smiles.

he moves to be in the same position but facing the tv and pats down the space next to him telling me to sit with him.

i sit down with my own bowl of soup and watch rick and morty with him.

kurt loved rick and morty a lot.

he says he grew up on adult swim bc that's what he stayed up watching when his mom and dad argued.

i felt kinda bad for him he didn't grow up in the best family.

i lean my head on his shoulder and watch tv with him.

he awkwardly puts him arm and the blanket around me and smiles.

after we were both done with our food i bring the bowls to the kitchen and wash them.

kurt curls up in bed and slowly falls asleep.

i walk in on him and smile.

i lay down next to him and watch tiktok for a couple hours before kurt wakes up again.

he blows his nose and sits up to start coughing.

"aughh omg does my throat hurt" he groans taking small sips of his sprite.

i rub his back slightly and smile.

"hey it's ok ik ik just i'll get you some medicine and go back to bed ok?" i say and he nods slowly.

i bring him some medicine and he slowly takes it all.

he groans slightly and quietly says thank you.

i smile and nod and lay back down with him.

he sniffles and lays back down having a hard time getting comfy.

once he finally gets comfortable he slowly starts to fall alseep again.

i smile and lay down with him and close my eyes.

i really hope kurt felt better soon.

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now