club dirt

464 11 15

(this chapter will be different involves catcalling and verbal assault and getting drunk if you are sensitive to these topics i recommend skipping todays chapter.)

"kurt are you serious i'm not even dressed that nice for somewhere like this-"

"ur dressed literally perfectly wth" kurt chuckles.

it seems kurt was wearing bobby's clothes.

"ugh i still wanna changeee" i groan

"omg kurt remember that one day you picked me up bc i was like super drunk at the other club?"

"how could i forget" he says annoyedly.

"yeah well do u still have my change of clothes somewhere in the back?"

"yeah i'm pretty sure i do!"

"bet" i say crawling in the back and looking

i find them almost immediately.

i tell kurt just to not look at me as i get changed.

it was obvious that there were times that kurt wanted to look but he didn't.

it was obvious that there were times that kurt wanted to look but he didn't

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once i was done kurt stares at me and blushes.

we go in and kurts eyes immediately go to the girls on the polls.

"i also uh. uhm i heard there was food here" kirt says clearing his throat and looking at me.

"kurt we literally just ate"

"yeah well yk what i'm still hungry."

we find a both tack thingy that displayed a screen above us that said "club dirt"

kurt leave to go get us some food and drinks and i just start to feel other guys eyes me.

one of them had the audacity to whistle which got most the guys in that area thinking they can say whatever they wanted to me as they walked up to my booth.

"why aren't you on one of the poles sweetheart?" one tall scary man says while sitting down next to me.

"i- uhm i'm here with my husband just to uh eat here i heard they had good food and we were bored." i lie looking down not making eye contact.

"i don't see a ring on ur finger tho babe" another guy sits on the other side of me.

"oh uh i took it off before we left bc it's a bit loose and i didn't want to loose it." i say looking around for kurt.

kurt wouldn't be much help against these 3 guys but he still made me feel safe.

"you are so gorgeous yk that?" guy 1 tells me going to put his hand on my thigh.

i bite my lip softly holding in whatever anger and sadness i have inside rn.

i take a deep breath.

" i know now if you guys would excuse me i need to go to the bathroom." i say wanting to go find kurt.

"awh why are you leaving so soon?" guy 2 asks

i smirk slightly.

"i have some uhm.. girl problems" and there eyes widen.


(pulling a whole nancy wheeler rn)

guy two moves so i can get out of the booth.

i go and find kurt who's stuck at the bar not knowing what drink to get.

are you serious?

i walk over to kurt and pull his arm to the gender natural bathrooms and hug him tightly.

"what's wrong?" kurt asks genuinely.

"i'll tell you later uhm... wanna go get drinks and food?"

"welll that's that i was in the middle of doing" kurt says smiling

"yeah yeah uhm i'm just gonna go with you so yk i can pick out what drink i want."

"smaaart" kurt says while walking toward the stools at the bar and sitting down.

i sit down next to him and bartender comes back.

"here's your kiddie cocktail sir and what would you like?" she ask and i smile and ask for a vodka lemonade and show her my id.

"kurt you can't go to a literal bar and order something parents bring back for there 7 year olds"  i tell him.

"uh yes i can bc i just did plus y/n you know i don't drink AND i am the the driver"

he says while taking a sip of his kid drink.

i smile as shake my head.

i get my drink and it was pretty good.

"kurt would you just try a sip of mine? one little sip wong get you drunk i promise" i say sliding my drink towards him and he agrees scaredly.

he takes a sip and his eyes widen.

"woah why is it so good but like so bad it like burned but also like idk tasted good" he says.

"yeah you get used to it. i love these a lot." i smile and take another sip.

time flew by so much quicker then i thought it would and i was 9 drinks in idk how kirt aloud me to drink this much to night but it was getting close to 4am. this wouldn't be the first time kurt takes care of wasted me.

kurt actually gets what i got to go and me a water.

we quickly exited the club to make sure no one saw us.

i was surprisingly a very lightweight even tho i drink a lot.

kurt sits me down in the car and buckles my seatbelt for me.

he gets in the car and starts to drive home.

i go and reach for his drink which he quickly grabs before me.

"no y/n you have the water this is mine you need sober up i'll try to find any fast food places or something that's open to get you some more food but for now drink he water."

"aughhh buut im fine pleaseeee"

"no y/n drink your water and uhm i'll just- drink your water"

"ugh fine"

i drink my water and wait for judy to go get food.

just no where was open at 4am.

"damnit uhm" kurt says under his breath.

"what's wrong?" i ask slurring my words slightly.

"uhm y/n i'll make you something to eat when we get home no where is open rn."

"that's ook"

once we get home kurt walks me inside and helps me get ready for bed.

he was surprisingly really patient with me.

i go on my phone as he makes me food.

he walks in about 10 to 15 minutes later.

"i uhm- i made you some uh mac and cheese-" he says handing me bowl slowly.

"awh thank you kurt." i say before taking a bite.

he smiles.

we lay down in bed together watching tv and eating.

once i was done with my bowl he take out bowls to the sink to let them soak.

i cuddle with my pillow and try to go to bed.

i feel kurt get in bed and wrap his arm around me.

"goodnight y/n"

"mmm goodnight kurt."

if i killed someone for you🌎🫶 (kurt kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now