A (Not So) Forbidden Love

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I can have anyone I want. I'm not saying this because I'm overly confident in a moron way, I'm saying this because it's a fact. Everywhere I go, I feel gazes lingering on my every move, waiting to get noticed by me.

I would react to those stares because it made me feel superior. Eventually it was so fucking repetitive, just like the way you had to shit everyday. It's something that is out of your control so you just let it happen.

However there is a "but" to this whole story.

There is someone, a woman, I can't have. I'm not allowed to have her. I refuse to give in to my desires. And I hate myself for wanting her.

It's not helpful at all that she also plays a significant role in my life. My dearest childhood best friend is the one I imagine fucking before going to bed.

The amount of scenarios I have thought of already is fucking creepy. At least to some outsider. I used to be disgusted with myself for these sexual desires. My guess is that this attraction had already started to develop in my childhood.

The way I would fist her hair, cup each of her breasts, mark her neck, nibble at her earlobe, whisper into her ear. And those lips, those godforsaken lips. Filled and plump. I wonder what shade of red they'd turn into once I suck and bite-

My thoughts were suddenly cut off by a charming and feminine voice.

"Earth to y/n, hellooo?" My best friend waves her hand in front of my face.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, you were saying?" I can't fucking believe it. I'm imagining in which position I would fuck her while she is talking about her future wedding dress. For fuck's sake. If there is an award for the most shittiest best friend, I'd win instantly, no debate whatsoever.

"So, as I was saying," she emphasizes the word saying, "my boyfriend already talked to his parents, now it's my turn to talk to mine. And I'm fucking terrified, bro. What if they don't approve of early marriages?"

"Your worries are understandable but I know your parents, they will understand. And hey," I nudge her side, "your number one supporter, AKA me, got your back."

Fuck, I mean I wasn't lying. I do support their relationship and I don't get jealous or anything. Like I don't imagine her boyfriend suddenly dying in an accident. Shit, I'm awful.

I've come to terms with it for a long time now. I understand that I will never be the one to stand by her side. That's why I can speak so casually about their relationship. But I can't deny the fact that I feel attracted to her. Fuck, I even misinterpret some situations, hoping that she feels the tension in the air. Like that one time I was lying on my back and she sat on top of me.

Her cunt glued to my V line and her ass on top of my pussy. I'm glad we were fully clothed, otherwise I would have done something I'd regret later on. She even said that someone would misunderstand if they were to come into the room. And the only thing I, a coward, was able to do was laugh it off.

Or how I imagine her jealous, because I finally got a girlfriend. Note that I have never been in a romantic relationship before.

Fuck, I really need to seek some psychological help. One day I'll seriously snap.

"I hope you're right, I'm just nervous."
"Yeah, I get that. I mean it's marriage we're talking about."
"Speaking of marriage."

She leans over and I can see the top of her tits popping out of her shirt. Don't look. Don't look. Don't look. And I took a quick glance. Fucking idiot.

"You got a girlfriend yet?" She smirks.

"No." Plain and short. We usually never talk about my love life. But when we do, I just tell her that I'm desperate for a woman in my life. And that I want someone with big tits. Guess what, my oh so dearest best friend got a bigger cup size than the average woman.

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