A (Not So) Forbidden Love Part 2

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The noise of engines all around us slowly start to fade and the only thing I can hear are her sobs. My best friend had been lying in my arms for a good 30 minutes. For your information, she hated physical touch. I'll fuck him up. Badly.

I kept patting her back in circles and didn't dare to say anything. Because I know whatever I'd say wouldn't fix her broken heart. Another reason is that I suck at comforting people.

Couples, kids, fuck even dogs were passing by the bench we were glued on. They probably thought that we're a couple because I planted kisses on top of her head, assuring her that she is loved. Truly.

Just as I suspected it didn't do any good at all, because my best friend didn't move. When I tried to move her, I felt her breathing steadying. She was asleep. Her cries were too much to handle so her body instinctively put her too sleep. When I get my hands on that fucker-

And just as much fate loves to fuck me up, it also loves to help me out sometimes. The park was filled with couples and I knew I had seen one of them before. Her boyfriend together with another girl sharing fucking ice cream.

I swear I have seen that girl somewhere before I just couldn't figure out where. Probably one of your old fucks, you slick fucker. Just when I thought to let my emotions control me, my best friend flinched. She does that a lot when she sleeps. I looked at him once more before I settled my gaze back onto her.

I put my jacket on top of her and pulled down my cap enough for my face to be covered by it. Thank fuck I decided to wear a cap today. She deserves to rest. Not deal with my bullshit. I'll kill him when I'm alone and sure that she is at home, safe and sound.

Another thirty minutes later, her boyfriend, ex boyfriend, left the park with that girl and I peeked under the jacket. "H/n," I said her name in a soothing tone. "Let's get you home."

I was just about to move when she grabbed my hand, hard. "I don't want to go home." Her eyes, her blue eyes that once reflected the sunlight were now empty and dark.

"We can't stay here forever." I tried to move her, she refused. "Listen, either you come with me or I'll lift you up and drag you home."

Before she stood up she let out a sigh. "I want to sleep at yours today."

I smiled. "Stay at mines for as long as you want."

When we reached home, I noticed that she didn't let go once of my hand. She also put on my jacket, because all that crying made her feel cold. Fuck, we looked like a couple. And I'm a fucking douchebag for lusting for her at this very moment. Forgive me, mi amor.

No one was home so we went straight upstairs to my room. My best friend didn't even bother to take off my jacket and snuggled right into my bed. It will be our bed soon if you keep acting so fucking cute- stop it, you're not a teenager in puberty anymore, you damn creep.

"You want something to drink?" She shook her head. "At least some water." I tried, she shook her head. "What about food?" Still a no. "Ice cr- no nevermind, I'll get you something warm." I couldn't say ice cream without thinking about that bastard. The way he laughed at that girls jokes, genuinely even. What was he even trying to do? Was she a bet? Oh I'll make sure that he knows how a real bet looks like once I crush his skull into-

"Y/n!" My best friend warned me. I had been feeling heat rising up in my hands. I was holding her tea filled mug and didn't let go because I was so lost in thought. When I let go, she scolded me.

"What were you even thinking so deeply about?" "You could've hurt yourself, you idiot." "Stop letting your thoughts slide while you're handling something hot."

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