Party Girl

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The warm and fluffy blanket let me drift away into the realm of dreams. Large fingers stroke my body starting from my legs then slowly to my stomach and finally where they belong; my breasts- no wait. The hand is leaving me. Why? Come back. I try to grasp it before it's out of my reach, however I failed. The hand left me cold and alone.

Before I could mourn over the hand that was so loving, I hear muffled noises. "...late already! Wake up, you idiot!"
Opening my eyes abruptly I look at my friend, Mary, who is ripping the blanket away from me; leaving me cold. At least now I know why my dream ended that way.

"What time is it?" I rub the sleep away from my eyes while I yawn. I hated mornings, they always ruined the fun of the night. Looking over my shoulder I see a tall figure standing outside my window. Before I could further analyze the stranger, my friend throws my pillow at me. "Ow, what the hell?"

"Stop whining and get up," she stops before my bed, looking down, "and clean out this condom, it's 9am already, for fuck's sake." Mary leaves my room while shaking her head disappointedly. I bet she is thinking of herself as a "solution-for-everything-person" for always waking me up. She is right, she is. And I'm thankful, but could she not wake me up like a fucking dragon roaring outside the castle trying to protect its princess.

Standing up from my bed, I realize I was doing something before Mary interrupted me. I walk around my bed and open the curtains to get a better view of the world behind the window. Nothing. The stranger is gone. Strange. I could have sworn that I saw someone.

Later that night Mary and her friend decided to go to a party with me. I actually didn't want to go and believe me, if I don't want to go to a party then for a good reason. I would never dare skip a party. Ever. However, this time I had to, I wanted to. Because the host was none other than that freak from school. Jyestha. She was so fucking weird, goosebumps scattered all over my body whenever she passed me. I think she might be gay.

Nothing wrong with being a homosexual, but the vibes I get from her are so creepy. I just can't seem to see eye to eye with her and I'm certain that we never will. It's alright though, because I'm not looking for a way to have any kind of relationship with her.
But my friends being my friends dragged me along. I couldn't just sit at home when they were partying, we never missed any school party; their words, not mine.

They were right, so I decided to swallow my doubts and go. No one can ruin my image. Not even a gay creep.

The smell of smoke, alcohol and sweat; nothing you couldn't find which meant this was a successful party and I'm here for it. This is where I belong. Wherever I looked I could feel guys eyeing every single curve of my body. My skin tight dress added an extra point, I was standing out a lot more than usual. "Hey, beautiful." A deep, raspy voice said from behind me. I turned around and it was the jocky captain, Tyler, of our school's football team. God, I hated this guy. "Hey."

Just leave me alone. "Let's do something fun," I swear if you even touch me. "outside. Whatcha think?" Even 2 meters away from me I would be able to smell the alcohol. I love alcohol just fucking drunkards turn me off. "I have a boyfriend." Lie. "Aw, come on, he doesn't need to know." Guys like him are the worst. He just can't take a hint, can he?

Before I could snap, large fingers trapped my waist close to their body. "She is spoken for, piss off." A strong yet charming voice hisses. I decided not to look at my savior, I can already make out on who it is and I'm hoping that I'm wrong. "Is this the so called boyfriend?" Tyler scoffs. "Looks pretty much like a girlfriend to me. Oi! Lyra got a girl-"

A fist to his jaw, another to his side and lastly, as he lies on the ground, a fist to his nose. "I said piss off, didn't I?" Jyestha growls. I gasp as everyone scatters around us creating a circle. "Why would you do that?!" I fall onto my knees, checking if Tyler is alright.
"He couldn't take a hint."
"You could've killed him!"
I couldn't believe it, not only was she a creep but mentally insane too. My eyes filled with disgust, I decide to stand up and walk towards Jyestha. "You're abnormal." I slapped her across her cheek as I felt my eyes burning. This wasn't even a situation worth crying for so why am I so riled up?

Jyestha's demeanor remained the same, cold and bored. When I was about to leave she grabbed my wrist and looked me deep in the eyes. "Stay." Her eyes were a deep blue, I was almost losing myself in them. But I didn't let the lion get ahold of his prey. "Why would I listen to you?" She just smirked at my snarly response.
"Everyone," she raised her other arm with the hand covered in blood, "please continue, my fellow companions will take care of this mess so you can enjoy the rest of the night."

With one snap, men larger than doors took Tyler's body and left. The scene looked like before, as if nothing happened. "Who are you?" She must have a lot of influence given the fact that this home is a fucking mansion and those men in suits. "A gay creep." Jyestha responded.

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