Not Enough

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"Your face looks weird," the tall blonde on top of me states. My eyes fly open to meet her blue orbs. Here we go again.
"Just get going." I move onto my back and let her long fingers enter me again. As I keep moaning to let her feel satisfied enough by my act of coming, I pretend to fall asleep. This is so tiring. Once she lies down next to me, I move to the bathroom as her breathing evens out. As soon as I'm cleaned I gather my clothes, put them on and leave the motel.

The cold winter breeze slaps my heated face and I begin to feel like myself again. I feel the anxiety, the uneasiness leave my body as I walk towards the closest bus stop. Just when I'm about to fish out my phone to text Penelope, I think twice. She is probably busy with someone else right now. I puff out a visible breath of air. It sure is cold at night.


Penelope arrived the next morning with a huge smile on her face. I take another sip of my usual morning coffee before starting a conversation.
"What's with that grin?" I place my mug on the kitchen isle and analyze her body. Three hickeys on the right side of her neck. One on the left side. Probably more underneath her clothes.
"Babe," she stops and her smile widens even further, "I picked up the hottest girl from my book club. Remember? The one I always told you about. I finally got the chance to hook up with her. God, you know I'm usually not the type to go back to my one night stands, but I'd definitely fuck her again. She was so tender and her nipples were so pink. Actually, if I remember correctly-"

My significant other kept on rumbling about the smallest details she had noticed about that girl. We're in an open relationship. Am I happy? Yes (No, I am not. I want to possess her. Want to own her. She is supposed to be mine.).

I've liked Penelope since the day I met her. Which was three years ago when we graduated. We had been close friends before that, but on our final day I didn't want to let her go. I wanted to stay by her side and do lots of other things together. Like kiss, hold hands, hug. I'm not afraid to get rejected and even if Penelope did reject me, we would still be friends because she likes to keep a lot of people around her.

Obviously, at first, she did reject me. But gradually as we went on more dates, she accepted under one condition. She wanted us to be in an open relationship, because Penelope never understood the hang of being with only one person. So in the end, I agreed because I genuinely liked her. Now we're here. Three years later. Sometimes I do think of talking it out with her, so she can finally only be mine. But I know she'd leave if I did.

I like her. But it gets so tiring sometimes. I sleep with people I don't want to sleep with. I want to sleep with her. When I told her that I wouldn't be sleeping with others, she obviously told me to "just try it out". In the end I had to pretend that I liked it.
"-and well, yeah. She most likely wants to hook me up with her friend who-"
"Really interesting, babe. But I'm running late, we'll talk later, though?" I plant a quick kiss onto her lips and grab my keys and bag to leave for work. Everything will work itself out.


This is bullshit. Everything is bullshit. I'm in a damn club with my girlfriend to get hooked with someone else. I can't even remember the last time Penelope and I slept together.
"You see that blackhead over there? She has been eyeing you ever since we entered the club." Penelope screams into my ear because of the loud R&B music.
I look over to my right and see a breathtaking blackhead with such a dark and piercing gaze lingering all over my face. Before I realize it, I quickly turn away and feel my face flush.

Calm down, it's nothing new. Yet those few seconds I held her gaze felt like a whole bunch of emotions clashing with one another. Rage, Awareness, Caution, Lust, Desire and for some reason, I might imagine it, but I felt a jolt of Possessiveness. As I return my gaze to her now empty seat, I take a look around and see a tall, lean figure standing so close behind me, I'm able to take in their smell. It's making me feel all hazy.

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