Mugged | TMNTC x Reader

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You walked through the front door of your apartment, completely drained. You were like a zombie, eyes empty and downcast. Hair horribly ruffled, some dirt and scratches smeared across your face, a larger amount of blood crossing your forehead. One glance and it was obvious enough to Leonardo that something had happened to you.


He's been waiting for you, sitting on your couch and watching TV to pass time. Luckily your parents were gone at some business convention out of town for the rest of the week, 'cause they'd surely be swarming you with a series of questions and simultaneous inquiries to only make you feel more drained and exhausted right now. But when Leo heard you walk in, and turned to see such a disheveled sight, your eyes still looking frightened and sad, his first thought—after the initial concern of course—was 'Which criminal as I straightening out tonight?'

But he did a good job to make sure it was hidden initially, for your sake. "Baby," he got up, eyes wide and came around the couch to meet you.

"N-no, it's okay. You can go back to watching your sh-show." You trembled, wanting to go break down in private. You had felt numb up until the moment he said your name and looked at you like that. But you honestly didn't want to lose it in front of your boyfriend.

Keep it together, Y/n.

You left work like every Thursday night. Leo had initially insisted upon walking you home everyday. Picking you up in the nearest alley and taking the rooftops where you were safer from the darkness of dusk. But you insisted it was too risky for him to be out so soon today since you were let off early.

While he'd do anything to protect you, you assured him you'd be fine as long as you avoided empty and sketchy streets and never walked out too late.

You were regretting rejecting his help right about now.

"Y/n, what happened?" Leo cupped your face gently to examine you. His eyes suddenly became dark the more he looked you over, the intrusive thoughts gradually winning. "Who did this to you?"

"He took my backpack." You choked out, your breathing suddenly labored when you tried to explain.

"Who?" He asked again gently.

"This guy– came up and r-ripped my backpack off of me." You shook your head, trying to get it out of your increasingly trembling body. "A-and he kept shoving up me into the wall and then the ground, and s-searching through my p-pockets..." Leonardo grasped your hands and tried to keep his rising anger at bay. Imagining you alone and cornered in an alley triggered the darker part of his incomparable protective side. "He eventually ran off, so h-he has my backpack now and everything i-in it."

"It's gonna be okay," he cooed and pulled you to his chest. He hated how much you were shaking and cradled you close while already forming a plan. "I'll get it back."

He rubbed your back gently, and with that simple statement you somehow knew he would. So you let yourself crumble into him, and let the dam loose as you tried to breathe through the rising stress.

Leo sat you down and did what he could to calm you down until you settled enough to breathe steadily and the shaking mostly subsided. He gingerly patched up the injury on your forehead, taking care of you. He spoke to you calmly as he asked the details about the mugging. Estimated height, any body marks, if it was maybe someone from a gang, where it all went down. Anything that could help identify or track this guy. And while it wasn't actually the backpack he was so concerned about, your grief over your stolen backpack seemed to be what bothered you most.

He could infer it was more of a defense mechanism, but either way, Leo knew the misplaced worry over it wasn't completely a distraction for yourself. He could imagine replacing all those folders, textbooks, homework and whatever money was in there wasn't convenient.

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