Chapter 3

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He grabs my waist and helps me down from the sink.  His long, slender fingers digging into my flesh. My knees hurt. I breathe out as I take my first step and almost fall down immediately. He catches me right before I hit the floor and helps me to stand up straight.

"I'm sorry." I apologize and chuckle lightly.

"What do you have to be sorry for? It is my fault. Fuck this would not have happened if- I am sorry, anyway, for the cuts." He helps me down to the light gray designer couch and I sit down and thank him. I watch him carefully as he continues walking towards the hallway and stops in front of the shattered pieces of glass. He crouches down on his knees and begins picking up the pieces. I'm I have to admit I am taken back.

"You really don't have to do that- you can cut yourself." I inform and he laughs. For the first time, he laughs. It's the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard. It's a genuine, happy laugh. So refreshing. Like a cold breeze in a hot summer. It makes me smile when my chest suddenly grows warm by his unexpected laugh.

"Do not worry about me, love. A small cut is the least of my problems." He's smiling when he's picking up the glass. But only for a second, then he's back to his old facial expression. He picks up the last pieces and throws them in the bin in the corner of the hall. And picks up the painting lastly, only to put it on the kitchen counter.

"Thank you." I whisper and North-Ocean hops up on the couch next to me with her mouth full of sauce. She licks herself around her mouth and meows.
"D-did you eat my food?" I look at the
stomach-stuffed creature next to me and then at Nicks boss who is looking at me and the cat.

"Tell Nickolas to give me a call when you see him-"

"I thought- Nick told me you two were having dinner." I cut him off and he stares at me for a while. His eyes grow dark and he runs a hand through his messy hair.

"He- what did he say?" He begins walking back and forth in the hallway. Did I mess things up? Shit I probably did.

"I-I'm sorry I though...I thought you knew." I shake my head and look down at North-Ocean who is now sitting in my lap. I fidget with her fur.

"Are you going to be okay here alone? When is Nickolas coming back?" He takes a few steps forward. I gulp. I don't know.

"I don't know." I admit as I look up at him. He's running a hand through his hair again. I bite my lower lip. He is mad, isn't he?

"You do not know what? About Nickolas or if you are going to be fine alone?"


"Yes?...Dio mio-" what- that didn't sound like English. He slips off his shiny black shoes and walks up to me. "Did your food get eaten up by your cat?" He asks, standing right next to me. I look up at him and smile apologetically.

He plops down on the couch, next to me. He manspreads his his legs and leans his head back on the couch. What is happening? He turns his head slightly my direction an looks me in the eyes.

"Then I guess I will have to stay here and take care of you. Love." It's the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed anyone do and I want to take a picture and save it in my memories forever.

"Why? I'm sure I'll be able to take care of myself." It's not that I don't want him here. I just want to understand why he's here.

"I am sure of that. But it is my fault that you got hurt, what kind of man would I be if I would not take responsibility for my actions?" My husband. Nick. You would be Nick. Nick, Nick, Nick.
If Nick isn't with his boss, obviously, then where is he? Is he cheating? No. He can't be- right? Maybe he is getting tired of me for not wanting a baby.

"Do you think Nick is cheating?" The words just slip out of my mouth. Fuck. I look at him and he's silent. Like he knows the answer but doesn't want to tell me. He then looks into my eyes.

"He would be an idiot to do so. And Nickolas is smarter than I give him credit for." His lips curve upwards a little but then stop. I look down.

"No. Nick isn't smart. Well he is- but not in that way. Nick is sly, not smart. Sly." He really is. I know and everyone that knows him knows. I meet his eyes and he looks like he's considering what I just said. He shrugs.

"Maybe. Are you hungry?" I shake my head.

"No thanks, I ate a big lunch." I smile but my stomach thinks otherwise. It starts grumbling. My cheeks are red as crimson and I look at him to see him smile. One of his dimples showing. He really reminds me of someone.

"What do you feel like eating?" I shrug and open my mouth to speak.

"I'm not that hungry really. Kinda lost my appetite." I give him a lopsided grin and he sighs and looks away. This is probably the time to ask. "What is your name?" He looks at me and sits up straight.

"You-" he chuckles. "You let me into your home two times without knowing my name?" It sounds kinda stupid when you say it out loud like that. He has a point.

"Yeah...but you never told me your name. It's not my fault." I point my index finger at him and he looks at it with a grin. Dimples are showing on his left cheek- it's the cutest thing I've ever seen and I want to reach my finger out and poke his dimples so bad.

"My name is Lucian." Lucian. I love that. I recognize that name. But I can't identify from where. His dimples disappears when he opens his mouth to say his last name. "Venezia." I think about his name. I've heard it before, so many times. "I have to make a quick call, I will be short." He gets up from the couch and I watch as the cushion pushes up slowly where he just sat. He walks into the bathroom that is further away from me and leaves a small space open between the door when he closes it.

I haven't really figured out much about Lucian. Except for his name and his job. Well- more like his job position. And that he cares. About other people than himself. He isn't the least bit like Nick and he insists on using Nick's full name. No one does that. Not his friends at least, or his colleges. I don't know much about Lucian. But maybe I'll find out more in time. If- you know. If he ever asks to meet me. I doubt that he will. After this day all he will wish for is a place where I am not. But at least I like him. He's the polar opposite of Nick and gives me some sort of comfort in knowing that they are not the same.

"What do you feel like doing? To pass time." I flinch at his sudden voice. I thought he was in the bathroom. I look at him and shrug with one shoulder.

"I don't know... we can open a bottle of wine." I'm pretty sure Nick has some stack of old Chardonnay somewhere. He nods and stands still, looking at me. I give him a look of confusion.

"Do you want me to help you up?" He's polite. But wanting help and needing help are two different things. Needing help, I do. Wanting help I do not.
I shake my head and grab the side of the sofa for support. I push myself up from the soft cushion and steady my stance.

"See? I'm already heeling." I cheer and take my first step. I don't look anywhere else but at my legs and the floor beneath my feet. It hurts but it's nothing I can't handle.


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