Chapter 15

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"Nickolas is a dick." My eyes go wide. I always get a little bit surprised when she says words like that. It just feels like those words are not supposed to come out of a pretty little mouth like hers.
"Don't you agree?" She turns to look at me. When she notices that I am already looking at her, her cheeks flush with a pink color. Some movie is playing on the flatscreen but I am not even paying attention.

"Maybe." I say. She has a puzzled expression when I give her that answer. I want to reach out and poke her forehead- but I do not.

"You're not even watching the movie?" She frowns. Yet again, my fingers itch for me to touch her face. I still do not do it.

"I do not like movies."

"What?! Everyone likes movies. What is wrong with you?" She sighs. "We're halfway you even know what's happening in the film?" I shake my head. Because I have not been paying attention to the movie. Something about a guy in a wheelchair and a girl that talks to much.

"No." I smile and she sighs jokingly.

"You are impossible Mr. Venezia." She smiles and averts her attention back to the screen. The bulge in my pants has been growing ever since I saw her today. I swear my dick almost exploded when she changed into my clothes- nothing much. Just a pair of black sweatpants, socks and a plain white T-shirt.
It is a good thing she's not looking at me right now because I can only take so much.

She insisted on sitting in the sofa, watching some movie she wanted me to see. God, when I found out that Nick had not decided to tell her about the event I was furious.
He really is a...Dick.

"You do not even know me, Mrs. Sterling." My smile fades and so does hers.
That is right Lucian, she is married.

I clear my throat and for the fist time, I begin looking at the screen actually paying attention. I feel her shift in the couch. We are sitting as far away from each other as possible. Both sitting in a corner.
I want to reach out and pull her to me. My fingers are almost shaking. I want to touch her face so bad.
I am going to make her mine, one day.

"So, what is your favorite color?" I hear her voice next to me and look in her direction to see that she has moved closer to me.

"What?" I try to take deep breaths, calming down what is growing in my pants.

"I'm getting to know you better." She smiles. I smile.

"Red." She rolls her eyes playfully at my answer.

"Shocker. Okay what is-"

"No." I cut her off. "My turn." She nods and I think for a moment. There are so many things I want to know about her- but I cannot seem to remember either of them right now. "Favorite color?"

"Black." She smiles.

"Black does not count as a real color." I tease and her smile fades. Her mouth drops open and it looks like she is processing what I just said. I was only teasi-

"Wow. No, I-" she takes a breath of air before continuing. "I'm sorry but- I don't think we can still be friends-" she closes her eyes and fakes a cry. I know she is only joking- but still, something inside me snaps.

"Next question." I hurry and she opens her eyes to look at me.

"Okay..." she does not ask me why I sound annoyed. I am glad she decides not to. "How old are you?" I am not going to be one of those people who says 'guess' and then gets offended by the answer. I have never been upset about my age. And I am not saying that I am young- but I am not old.
I still hesitate before answering.

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