Chapter 20

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Thankfully nobody saw us leave the bathroom together. Everyone was too busy being drunk and having fun. I force a smile on my lips and search the room for Nick. When I find him on the other side of the room I see that he's already looking at me. If looks could kill, me and Lucian would be six feet under.

Nick's eyes move from me to Lucian to the hand he has around my waist. Lucian squeezes my waist letting me know a thousand things without saying a single word. He's telling me that he is aware of Nick's presence and that I shouldn't be scared and I swear to god I have never been so aware of a mans hand on my body.

It makes me feel hot all over again. "It's okay, I'll go by myself." I tell Lucian with my eyes still on Nick. The hand around my waist loosens and the heat of his hand on my body is replaced with a cold wind. And then I begin walking.
I take small steps towards Nick, whispering words of affirmation to myself on the way.
You are strong and you can do this.
Tell him softly.
He won't hurt you.

I make the last few steps towards him but stop just as I'm about to approach. A woman. A beautiful woman appears next to him. Her tanned skin glows under the light of the chandeliers above our heads and her honey brown hair sways as her head shoots in my direction. She observes me while clinging to Nicks arm in a possessive manner.
I am taken back. I even have to take a step back to steady my stance. Suddenly my head feels dizzy. Everything makes sense now. Nicks late nights at the office. The lies about where he was. With who he was.

"Who's this?" The girl speaks in a heavy British accent. She looks between me and Nick in suspicion. My eyes go to Nick's almost mechanically and his face tells me everything.
The ring around my finger suddenly feels like it's choking me and burning my hand.

"Maddie-" Nick begins but I cut him off with a simple shake of my head.

"No, no. It's my fault. Here," I take off the hot piece of silver that is around my finger and slide it off smoothly. "You forgot this at home and- oh, my bad. I'm sorry to spoil the surprise but he was going to propose to you tonight but forgot his ring. Stupid Nick." I offer him a silly smile before tossing him the ring. "Catch." I say before turning on my heel and walking back towards Lucian.

"Fuck!" I hear Nick yell behind me before a small, almost unbearable, little clang hits the floor. Everyone's eyes goes to the source of the sound. All eyes are on Nick except for mine and Lucian. He is looking at me and I am looking at you. That I decided to stay with Nick for this long was a mistake. And mistakes are made to correct.

"Are you okay, Madelyn?" Lucian's body emerges from the shadows in the corner of the room as he pushes off the wall. I nod and offer him a quick smile.

"Just a little tired. I'm fine." He hums in response before placing a warm hand over mine. The single gesture sends bolts of electricity through my body and I find myself leaning into his touch.

"Let's go." He says before tugging on my hand gently and leading me through the crowd towards the exit.


"North-Ocean? Come baby. C'me here beautiful!" I
whisper-yell and begin making kissing sounds with my mouth. Less than five seconds later I hear a meow in the distance and fluffy paws patting against the floor. "There she is!" I say in an exaggerated exhale. She jumps into my lap and I pet her before lifting her up into my arms. "You ready to go?" She sticks her tongue out in response and I take that as a yes.

I manage to take some of her canned foods and her food bowl before going back out to the car where Lucian is waiting for me patiently. As soon as he sees me he steps out and opens the door on my side.

"Are you all done?" He says his eyes searching mine for confirmation. I nod and enter the warm car with my purring cat in my lap. I close the seatbelt over myself and nod again. Lucian closes the door for me before going to the drivers side and reversing out of my driveway.

I change into the set of clothes Lucian left me in the bathroom. One of his big dark blue T-shirts. It falls over the length of my upper thigh and the soft material smells just like him. I grab the hem of the shirt and bring it up to my nose. It smells just like him. I can't seem to stop and catch my own reflection in the mirror while inhaling more of his scent. My eyes are red from crying in here for almost an hour. Because of me and Nick. I feel guilty one minute and then not. Nick and I are both liars. I can't say what he did was worse if I almost did the same.

"Madelyn? Is everything alright?" Lucian's voice is heard from right outside the bathroom door. I release the shirt from my grasp and nod.

"Yes, yes. I am fine!" I shout back, my voice trembling a little at the end. The incident with Lucian at the party has left me feeling hot and heavy all over. I don't think I have fully recovered from that. My first orgasm.

"Are you sure?" He sounds hesitant.

"Yes." I have learned a new thing or two about Lucian. When we were in that bathroom together on that event he spoke differently. He has never used contractions before and that was the first time I'd heard him use them. I like it. I really do like it. The way he speaks differently when he's flustered and  turned on.

I take one last look in the mirror making sure none of my thoughts are visible on my face as I turn around and unlock the door. I am immediately met with a set of dark eyes, filled with worry. Lucian examines me before softening his look.

"You have been crying." It's not a question. He says it like it is a fact. It is, but still-

"No." I lie. He knows it. I know he knows it and he knows that I know that he knows it. The soft look on his face hits my body with a bolt of emotion and a tear decides to roll down my chin in that exact moment.

He takes my face in both hands and uses his thumbs to stroke my cheeks in a comfortable way. A few more tears escape. "Okay." He doesn't argue about it. He doesn't ask me what is wrong. He just pulls me into his warm embrace and holds me like that. I can't find myself imagining any place I would feel safer than in his arms.

I am pretty sure I am soaking his t-shirt with my tears but it seems like he doesn't mind. I rest my hands on his chest and let him hold me until I'm able to hold the tears back. Soft fur tickles my bare feet. North-Ocean's way of comforting me is licking my leg, her warm tongue kissing me and I feel overwhelmed by the feeling of being comforted by the two people I like the most right now. New tears begin to flow and I sob into Lucian's chest and he hugs me tighter.

He doesn't say anything more only puts his hand on my hair and begins to soothe out the strands, his fingers threading through my hair and brushing gently. A spark ignites in my chest. A spark that feels like it can never be blown out. I have never felt like this with anyone els before. Maybe this is the feeling everyone are talking about.

Oh my god
Oh my god
  Oh my god
   Oh my

I am in love with Lucian.

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