Chapter 17

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We have been here for more than an hour and Lucian has held his promise so far. He hasn't left my side once, even though many people are itching to speak with him. Some of them came up to him already. He would just tell them that he's busy and wave them away but if they were important then he'd tell them to speak in front of me too.
I never listen to their conversations though, it felt as if I would be prying and that's not something I wanted to do after everything he's done for me today. So I'd just look around at the people in here. The beautiful dresses and beautiful suits. And this place is like a big ballroom taken straight out of a Disney movie.

I feel a gentle squeeze on my waist and turn my face to see Lucian looking at me with a tense expression. My eyes move to the man in front of him and I see him having the same reaction. Oh, boy.

"Are you thirsty?" Lucian asks me and I'm not but I nod anyway. I know Lucian wants to get away from this conversation and he squeezed my waist for help. I think...

"Yes, I can go by myself if you wa-" he squeezes my waist again and I stop talking. I was just trying to make sure in case he wanted to get out of the conversation of if he just wanted me to get out of the conversation.

"If you believe that I am going to let you go alone then you are clearly mistaken. Come on." Lucian says and gives the man he was talking to a nod. He squeezes my waist again as we turn around from the man and begin walking away. I swear every time Lucian squeezes my waist causes butterflies to flutter around in my stomach. I like it but I also feel like it's wrong for me to feel like this.

"I'm sorry I just thought you maybe were sending mixed signals or something- I don't know. Forget it." I mutter the last words and gasp lightly as I feel a harder squeeze on my waist. My eyes grow big and I look up to the side to look at his face. He has no reaction, his face is emotionless and he's not even looking at me. He's ignoring me and just as I'm about to look away I see a twitch in his lips. I smile and look down. Asshole.

I have been waiting for Nick to arrive or at least call me. Maybe even a small text but- nothing. I left him a message two hours ago, telling him to call me when he could but he hasn't even read it. I have a feeling that he is with that girl he was on the phone with earlier. The scary part is that I don't feel so much about it as I should. I should probably be bawling my eyes out right now or something, I don't know. Instead I am here, on a frickin' ball or whatever fairytale-reality thing this is, and I'm enjoying myself. I'm having fun and you know what? Fuck Nick.
Not literally.

"Are you okay?" Lucian whispers as he squeezes my waist again. I smile and nod as I tilt my head up to look at him. His eyes are set on mine and I've come to realize that when he's trying to figure out what I'm thinking about he always has that one look. Like he has now. His brows slightly furrowed in confusion and his lips pressed together. His eyes are a little bit narrowed and his face completely still.
I bite my lip to prevent a laugh from bubbling up. This man.

And I've also come to realize that when I do something he isn't expecting he gets that one other look. Like when I laugh when he stares at me or something, he always looks at me like I'm fascinating to him. His eyebrows lift, lips part slightly, eyes big and round. Like he's doing right now. I can't help it this time and a laugh leaves my mouth.
I close my eyes and just laugh.

"Dio, you fascinate me, Love." I hear him whisper probably to himself but I still hear him and open my eyes to meet his.

He is smiling, dimples this time. A warm gooey feeling is filling up my insides and feel my cheeks heat slightly. I want to reach out and poke his dimples, so I do. I don't even hesitate as my fingers touches the soft skin on his face and I poke. He looks confused at first and then I see a bright red color take over his face and even his ears. That makes me smile.
I never ever thought that even in my deepest fantasies that I would be able to make this man blush. But here we are.

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