Chapter 18

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"Luci-ah!" I bite down on my lip and mentally slap myself from letting a moan slip past my lips. My brain is not working like it should and my heartbeats are only getting faster. This is wrong, still, I cannot find it inside me to stop him. Or to even stop myself. His teeth gaze the bare skin above my collarbone before he decides to take a bite. Another moan escapes my mouth and I swear I hear him groan. Stop this Madelyn. You are married.

I bring my hands to his chest and push. He doesn't budge. He just grips a firmer hold around my neck with his left hand and bites and sucks on more parts of my neck and throat.

"Lucian," I say breathlessly and I feel something hard poke my lower stomach. A light gasp escapes my lips and my head tilts down to see what it is even though I know what it is. His bulge is growing in his pants and it's pressing against the fabric so hard it looks like it'll poke a hole through it. "Oh god," I moan and look up again.

I need to stop this but it feels so good. It's like I have been starving myself for years and am finally given stolen food. It tastes so good yet it is so wrong.

The smell of him, his touch, his mouth on my skin- everything about him makes me feel alive. But I have to stop I have to- "Lucian." I say, less breathless this time and he stops devouring my neck.

His lips leave my skin slowly and I shudder. It's like he's dragging this out on purpose. My thighs press together when his eyes finally come to view. Dark, hungry eyes of a starving man are staring back at mine. We feel the exact same. We are the food we both need. The air we need to survive.

He pushes off the wall and his hard erection leaves my body and I have to bite my lip again to stop myself from leaning in and connecting my lips with his. Fuck, I'm down bad. So bad.

"I can't- we can't, um-" I release a shaky breath. The pulse between my legs is only growing faster and the fabric of this dress is making my whole body itch with the need to take it off. Lucian is watching me through dark eyes as I try to pull myself together. He wets his lips with his tongue and I fist my hands behind my back.

I need to cool off my face.
I need to leave.
I can't be in the same room as him.
I can't be close to him.
I. Can't. Be. With. Him.

I push off the wall and begin to walk past him. A strong grip around my wrist stops me from walking any further. I freeze. Heat vibrates from his touch.

"No." He says, not bothering to elaborate. His voice is filled with something I can't describe. It's nothing like I've heard before.

He uses the grip on my wrist to pull me back in front of him. I let out a light gasp and his grip loosens as his hand travels up the length of my arm leaving a trail of goosebumps where the heat of his skin lingers.

"If you'd let me- I'd fuck the fuck out of you." He backs me into the hard wall and I gasp as the cold, white concrete wall touches my naked back.

"L-Lucian, we can't. I-I'm marrie-" He cuts me off with his mouth crashing into mine. My eyes grow wide for a short second before closing them to the pleasure of his soft lips. He's been craving this as much as me.

His mouth on mine is like everything and nothing I've imagined. His lips on mine is like ice and fire. Hot and cold. The kiss is filled with so many unsaid words. His left hand slithers around my throat like it was before and his right hand goes to the small of my back where my skin is bare.

His hand goes to the inside of my dress to rest against my ass. He squeezes lightly and I open my mouth to say something. I don't know what but I want to say but my mouth is open and he takes that as a sign to slide his tongue into my mouth.

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