|BONUS CHAPTER| number one

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Two years later...


I blink, my eyes opening as I take in the beautiful sight in front of me. Madelyn, her naked, beautiful body tangled in the sheets and she is sleeping peacefully. I smile and reach out a hand to brush a few strands of hair from her face. I went a bit hard on her last night, but it was worth it. I can still hear the memory of her screaming my name. Those pretty red lips wrapped around me- fuck. And just like that, I'm hard again. I mutter a few curses in Italian under my breath as I glance at her again. She's laying on her side, her naked back to me and I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her gently into my chest. She stirs a little but does not wake up. I smirk an let my hands run up her body, under the sheets and I cup her breasts with both my hands, groaning at the feeling of her soft skin and pebbled nipples.

I brush my thumbs over her nipples and press my hard erection against her ass and groan lowly again at the feeling. "Wake up.." I whisper into her ear and kiss her neck. "Wake up love, I miss you." I mutter again and frown when she only stirs in response. I sigh and rub my thumbs in slow circles over her hard pecks. Madelyn gasps softly, and I watch as she arches a bit closer to my hands. I smile knowingly and pinch her nipples gently. Good girl. "Wake up.." I murmur lowly into her neck and lick her soft skin. Mine. All mine.

She groans and I watch as her eyes slowly open and fill with consciousness. There we go. I roll her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and watch as her cheeks heat, those sweet lips of hers parting in shock and it all makes my cock twitch against her ass. She notices that, too.

"Lucian..?" She whispers, her voice filled with desire but also a bit of surprise. I nuzzle my face in her neck and pinch her nipples, earning a light gasp from her.

"You're awake." I murmur against her neck and smile. "Good." God she has no idea how beautiful she looks from here. So beautiful and so fucking perfect and all mine.

"Lucian what are you doing?" She asks and I can hear the amusement on her voice. Knowing that this is what I will wake up to every night makes it so much easier for me to sleep. I squeeze her breasts before dropping one hand, trailing it down her sun kissed body and she begins breathing heavily, shivering in my arms. I reach my hand between her legs and flick my thumb over her already swollen clit and her moan sends vibrations right through my cock. I kiss her neck, dip my thumb between her folds and run the wetness all over her pussy lips. She whimpers, arching into my hand while I rub my thumb over her clit. The action causes her to moan and roll her hips against my hand which only makes me groan in approval.

"That's it..good girl." I mumble and brush my lips against her ear while my thumb works on the wetness between her thighs. "Marry me.." I hum and it just slips out of my lips without warning. A laugh is heard from her before it's cut off and replaced with a sharp gasp when I pinch her clit gently. "Marry me." I say again, breathing against his ear. I will get down on my knees and beg for her if I have to. Worship her like my fucking goddess because she is.

"Y-you are joking..right?" She asks before whimpering as I rub her clit faster with my thumb and massage her plump breast in my other hand.

"Why not?" I ask and roll her nipple between my fingers again. She pants and moans, arching her back for me. But she does not answer me and it causes a frown to settle on my face. In one quick motion I pull the sheets away from her and expose her naked body to the cool air and her nipples harden into diamond points as she gasps. But I do not stop there. I turn her around, flipping her over so that she's laying on her stomach before I grab her hips and force her on her knees with her face and chest pressed onto the
bed- her back arched. She whimpers, trying to lift her head up but I hold it back down and sit behind her, grabbing a firm hold of her hips.

"W-wait..what are yo-" before she can finish that sentence I dip my head down and lick her all the way up her slit and she moans, her legs trembling and it sends blood rushing straight to my dick. Fuck she tastes so good. Seeing her from this position makes my whole body warm and I almost come right there. I go in for another lick and hum in approval when I feel her arch her pussy against my mouth and she whimpers again, moaning and panting as my hum sends vibrations straight to her core.

"You're dripping, love.." I tell her and notice the slickness on her thighs. "Not that I mind.." I tease in a low voice and she whimpers loudly, burying her face in the pillow to try and keep quiet. I smirk and place my tongue on her inner thigh, licking the wetness dripping from her sweet cunt, savoring the taste of her and her legs tremble in response.

"P-please..." she begs, arching her back even more. Oh god. This was not supposed to happen. I was supposed to beg, not her. Hearing her whimpering and begging only turns me on even more and I lift her hips as I bury my lips in her pussy, licking and biting and kissing and she's a moaning mess for me. All for me.

"Mhmm..good girl, I want to hear you.." I hum against her clit and she only trembles even more. I slide my hands down to her thighs and part her legs even more as I eat out of her like she's a seven-course meal. "Marry me.." I say again, more seriously this time and my voice drops a level.

"Lucian-" she moans and grips the sheets and I bite down on her clit, not hard but enough to sting a little before it morphs into pleasure as I suck her clit.

"I swear to god Madelyn if the next words that come out of your mouth aren't a yes or a no I will make sure they come out in a form of an apology instead.." I growl into her pussy and the vibrations from my voice makes her quiver and her body tenses, her muscles tightening. Help me god.

"I-I'm g..gonna-" she moans, her body trembling and I feel her clench around my tongue as I push it inside of her. I spread her legs wider apart and pull my mouth away from between her legs just as I feel her orgasm cresting.

"Marry. Me." I say lowly and she whimpers at the loss of contact.

"Yes! I'll marry you- j-just please..don't stop-" she doesn't have to tell me twice. I dive into her sweet pussy and devour her. Mine. Fucking mine. My fucking Wife.

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