Chapter 19

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"Oh god!" I cry out and thread my fingers through his thick hair. "S-stop." I exhale. Something inside me feels different. My stomach tightens and Is filled with a warmth I have never experienced before. "L-Lucian I-" he cuts me off my placing his mouth right on my clit and sucking.

I jerk my head back and it hits the wall. My legs are shaking and I would be falling if it wasn't for Lucian's strong grip around my thighs. It feels like I'm going to pee. Shit I don't want to pee while he's- oh Jesus Christ. I can't hold it much longer.

"Lucian you have to let me g-" his grip around my thighs tighten and he hums. Shit. Heat releases from my entrance and stars cloud my vision. I've never felt anything like this. This is heaven. To me this is everything and more. Lucian is everything and more.

His tongue moves smoothly over my pussy as he licks me clean. I arch my back when he licks me from my entrance to my clit and hums again. Was this a- did I just come? Did I just have an orgasm? I'm panting and my heavy breaths are the only thing I can hear except for the loud heartbeat pulsing between my legs.

Lucian gets up from the floor and stands up tall over me. His hand holds me firmly by the waist, keeping me from falling to the floor. He stares into my half lidded eyes and then brings his mouth to mine. My ears heat with embarrassment and pleasure. I can taste myself in his mouth. I can taste my own juice. I moan into his mouth and put my arms around his neck to bring him closer and he groans against my lips as I twirl my tongue around in his mouth tasting every last bit.

"Lucian." I breathe against his soft lips. He releases a throaty noise and I smile. This is mine. I don't care who wants it- it's mine. He is mine now. His lips, his body and his everything. Mine.

As if he can read my thoughts he chuckles and closes the last millimeter of distance between our bodies and speaks with a dark voice. "Don't worry love, I'm not going anywhere." He kisses me hard. His lips molding with mine to a perfectly fit statue. It's like I can feel his organs, his blood rushing through his veins, and his breaths. I can feel him. His heart.

"Lucian," I breathe out again. He bites my lower lip.

"Madelyn." He whispers in response. It's like music to my ears. Hearing him say my name makes my knees buckle and I'm not standing anymore. Lucian has picked me up and I have wrapped my legs around his torso.

"I don't think I can-" I'm cut of my a knock on the door. My eyes grow wide and a flush rises up my face when I remember that we didn't lock the door.

"Is anybody in here?" A deep voice says from the other side of the door. Lucian watches me with a sly smile as I try to whisper that we forgot to lock the door. "Hello?" The voice says again and this time my heart drops. The air is sucked out of my lungs when the voice becomes more and more familiar. Lucian notices my reaction and his eyes grow dark.

He doesn't ask me what's wrong because he knows. He knows who's behind that door just as much as I do. Nick. "Busy." He say, finally. Still that doesn't calm my nerves.

"Oh, my bad man." Nick says. But he sounds hesitant. I hold my breath and don't release it until I hear steps walking away from the door and disappearing. My chest is heaving up and down in his face and if this was a different situation I would probably have laughed.

"I mean what I said." Lucian's hot breath fans my neck as he leans in to whisper in my ear. "And it includes Nick too." He nibbles at my ear before pulling back and walking towards the sink. He puts me down on the cold sink and I gasp as my butt meets the ice cool material. He smirks and places a soft kiss on my swollen lips. "Calm down Madelyn." He says and I do anything but relax.

My head is pounding and I feel hot all over. Lucian grabs a towel and wets it with cold water before placing it on my forehead. It feels...nice. He begins dabbing the towel slowly all over my face and my neck. I watch his focused face and can't help but smile. He looks so handsome doing even the smallest things.

He puts my heels back on my feet and helps me get into my dress before zipping it for me. And since he decided to rip my underwear, I have nothing to wear under.

"Did you really have to rip my panties? It's uncomfortable going without them you know." I watch the mirror as I speak to him with a hint of humor on my voice. I try to pat down my hair and remove any smudged make up. While he puts on his shirt.

Lucian chuckles behind me before two big hands are placed on my hips. "It is going to be even worse for me, knowing that you do not have anything under that thin dress while trying not to rip it of your beautiful body." He breathes down my neck and inhales a deep breath. "Lillies." He murmurs, pointing out the smell of my perfume. My body feels hot again. I can smell him too. He smells of gold like I said before. There's no better way to describe it.

I turn around still in his hold and give him a kiss on the cheek. I pull back and see a flash of a frown on his face before I'm pulled into his lips. His right hand has a strong hold around the back of my neck as he pushes me harder against his lips. I smile, still kissing him.
He doesn't like when I kiss him on the cheek.

When he finally pulls away I'm out of breath again. "You know Nickolas is going to be out there, right?" He says, searching my eyes for answers.

I nod. "I do know that, yes. But it's going to be okay. I'll go talk to him and-" and what? What am I going to say to my husband whom I just cheated on. A flash of guilt stains my chest but I ignore it. We're both cheaters. We're both nod good for each other. Just a shame that we didn't realize it sooner.

"Madelyn." I look up. " I want you to come stay with me tonight." He whispers. His eyes are hesitant and filled with something close to fear. Is he afraid that I'll reject him?

"I can't." I whisper and stand on my toes with my heels on and place a kiss on his other cheek. He frowns again and looks at me with a confused expression. I bite my lips to keep myself from laughing as he pulls me in for a kiss on the lips again. I could do this with his all day.

"Wait-" he pulls away. "Did you say no? Why?" I smile.

"I can't leave North-Ocean. She's my responsibility." I place my hand on his chest and smooth out an invisible crease.

"Fine, you can bring your cat." He mutters before going back to kissing me. I like this side of him. The sweet side. He's a lot of bark but no bite. Well, not much bite at least.


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