Chapter 16

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"Are you ready?" Lucian calls from the living room. We are about to go to the stupid event and we were just about to leave his house when my anxiety got the best of me.

Right after Lucian told me he was bringing me as his guest to the event, I was thrilled. He'd even agreed to teach me a few ways to please Nick. But unfortunately he got a call right when he was about to teach me. He excused himself and took the call. I told him it was totally fine because it was, of course. His call had been longer than I expected and I got to watch through three whole movies before he finally hung up and came back to me.

What was even more unfortunate was that there was only an hour left until the event started and he said we had to get ready.

He had called in some make-over crew who were really just two very sweet girls who had helped me put on a beautiful, wine red, strapless, long dress with a long slit slicing all the way down my mid-thigh. It was beautiful and I still couldn't understand how he had the time to buy it. The girls helped me put on a light layer of makeup. They painted my lips a deep, dark red color that matched perfectly with the perfectly fitting dress. My brown, long hair had they styled in feathered waves and a silver and diamond hair clip that sat at the back of my head, keeping my hair to fall in front of my face.

They also put on a beautiful necklace and earrings to match with the hair clip. I felt beautiful- I still feel beautiful. But the nerves are keeping my legs from moving forward.

"What's the matter girl?" Liza, one of the girls that helped me dress up says, laying a hand on my naked shoulder. "You are totally going to be in the spotlight all night. Right Fia?"

"Of course! You look H O T!" The other girl, Fia says reassuringly. That helps calm my nerves but only slightly. I still have a nagging feeling at the pit of my stomach. Something telling me that this night is only going to fuck up things with Nick even more... but maybe that isn't such a bad thing. Is it?

"Okay, let's go." I turn around to face both of them and extend my arms to give them both a hug. "Thank you guys, I mean it." I continue and I feel them nod.

"Ever need anything, ask Lucian for our number and he'll give it to you. Call us any you need anything, okay baby girl?" Liz says and pulls back from the hug.

"God they are gonna have a hard time keeping their eyes off you." Fia smiles widely before opening the door for me. "Now go and dance your feet away." She sing-songs and shoves me out the door.

I huff and begin walking towards the living room and I feel my heart stop as soon as I lay my eyes on the beautiful
God-like man standing in front of me. It feels as if time slows down when he turns around to lay his eyes on me.
His lips part slightly and for a moment we just stay like that. Staring at each other because it's the only thing that feels right in this moment.
He's wearing a black suit with a black shirt, tucked in his black pants, under his tux. Everything he's wearing is black and his muscles are showing slightly under his clothes. His hair is slicked back with a light portion of gel and one of his hair stands falls in front of his face as I watch him. That small action causes me to smile and then giggle as I begin walking forward, towards him.

I stop right it front of him and stand on the tippy toes of my high heels as I reach out my hand and smooth back the strands of hair that fell out. I can hear him breathing heavy breaths and it's only now that I realize how close we are actually standing.

"Fucking perfect..." I hear him muttering under his breath and a light shade of pink colors my cheeks. I meet his eyes and see them struggling to stay on mine as they constantly switch from my eyes to my mouth. A hint on a smile is tugging on my lips and I bite it to stop myself from grinning.

"You clean up well, too." I whisper before taking a step back. The heat of his breathing lingers on my body and I watch him as he takes a step back too.

"You ready to go?" He says, his voice raspy. I nod and we begin walking together towards the front door. "Madelyn you look-"

"Thank you." I cut him off and offer him a smile. He has already told me what he thinks. Even though I doubt he knows he said it out loud. Fucking perfect. He'd said. My stomach flutters with butterflies. 'Fucking perfect.'


"There are going to be a lot of photographers and journalists. Are you sure that you are going to be okay with that?" He asks me, sounding slightly concerned.

"I'll be fine, thank you..." I stop and look at him as he focuses on the road ahead of him. "For everything." I watch his features soften a little and they stay like that for the rest of the drive there. To the big event.
I've never been one to believe in god...but if they exist then I am truly thankful to them for making me meet this incredible man. Lucian. My Lucian that had me crossing paths with him again.
Some people get a chance to meet great people that they then let go. Not many are as lucky as to meet them again later, a couple of years later. I am lucky. Really lucky. Because I got the pleasure of not only meeting Lucian once...when we were kids. But also meeting him now when we are adults. And this time I'm not letting go. Never.

"We are here." Lucian speaks, interrupting my thoughts. I take a deep breath and watch as we stop next to a red carpet, just like in movies. Flashes of cameras are everywhere and people are screaming, yelling. I swallow the lump in my throat and nod. I fidget nervously with my hands in my lap

"Okay." I say. I swallow again and take a few deep breaths. It's going to be okay. Suddenly I feel a hand on mine, stopping my hands from moving. I turn my face to look at Lucian who's already watching me. He has a soft expression as he squeezes my hand lightly, comforting.

"I will be with you the whole time." He says, assuring me. That somehow causes something to warm in my stomach. I smile at him and nod.


"Wait for me, I will open your door for you, okay?" He says but he's already out the car before I can answer. He is walking around the car to come over to my side and opens the door for me. Reaching out a hand for me to grab and I do. He helps me out of the car and I hold onto his arm as he closes my door.

His hand sneaks around my waist and I'm pulled impossibly closer to him. Another set of butterflies erupts in my stomach as a weird feeling washes over me. I feel... safe. God, have I been craving this. This feeling...of being safe.

I smile as the cameras flash in my face. "Wow, you must be really popular Mr. Venezia, so many people wanting to take a picture of you." I joke, a poor attempt in trying to calm my nerves.

"No Love, they are taking pictures of you. You are the one they are interested in. Not me." Lucian whispers in my ear while I try my best to hide the adrenaline rush of his breath on my skin.

Okay guys I know you're waiting for
the good stuff...yk the smut. Yes I'm sorry for
Keeping y'all waiting for so long but
I can promise that you you won't be
disappointed in the next
Few chapters...

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