Chaper 33

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(A/N: if you wanna make this chapter more sad then listen to Somewhere only we know by Keane. I don't know why you'd wanna do that but just in case you want to- I gochu babes. (This isn't even a sad chapter). You're welcome.


I knock on his door. His car is still here so he has to be here too. He has to be. A few moments later of my mind running through different scenarios- the door finally opens. And there in the doorway stands Nick and when he sees me his eyes widen. I take a step back, allowing him some space but also because I feel like I need distance from him. My heart begins beating a little faster and I feel almost...nervous.

"Madelyn, what are you doing here?" He whispers and then glances behind me, probably noticing Lucian's car. He promised to give me space so that I could talk things out...he also did say that if he noticed Nick lifting so much as a finger in my direction he'd break it. It was weirdly comforting but also kinda scary...

"I-...I wanted to say goodbye." I mutter, glancing up at him and I watch as his eyes soften slightly. He looks a bit paler since last time I saw him and he has dark circles under his eyes. And it breaks my heart seeing him like this. "I..I won't forget what you did. And I am still angry with you." I clarify and my eyes narrow a little. "But I forgive you. And I am sorry too." I take another step back and look down again. I don't want to see his reaction. I have said what I came here to say...I should leave now. But my legs won't move anymore. I hear his sharp intake of breath and then complete silence.

"So this is goodbye then?" He ask, his voice shaking slightly. I thought I'd start crying when I came here but I don't feel like crying. Not anymore.

"Yes, Nick. This is goodbye." I look up and watch his face turn into one of hurt and understanding. He begins nodding, slowly.

"Alright then." He says, finally. Alright then. "Then I wish you the best, Madelyn..." and then he's smiling a little. "Goodbye." He mutters and then I smile too.

"Goodbye, Nick." It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders as I turn around and walk back to the car.

"Did everything go well?" Lucian asks as soon as I enter the car and I nod, glancing at him with a smile.

"Yes. It couldn't have gone better." I say and put on my seatbelt before Lucian starts the car and begins driving away. I sigh happily. I feel like I just finished the first chapter of my book. Now Nick is in the past and I'm supposed to be looking forward. There's no point in dwelling in the past now.

"I am happy for you, then." Lucian says, smiling as he has one hand on the steering wheel while placing the other on my thigh, still looking at the road. His touch makes my whole body tingle and the warmth from his hand causes my heart to skip a beat. And when I glance at him he smiles, because he knows.

"Pull over." I say, my heart beating fast in my chest. And he lets out a deep laugh, knowingly.

"Yes ma'm."


The end....
But there is one more bonus chapter that will come later<3

Okay so first of all thank you guys so much for reading and voting for this story! And thank you guys for following! Ily guys so much, thank you for your support! I know I've had so much fun writing this story and I hoped you enjoyed it, too.

(Pls write some pointers that you'd maybe like me to know so that I'll try and make my next stories better. )

Ummm, so I have a few more stories that I'm editing right now.
One is a stalker romance because I feel like I need to give the dark romance girlies sum spice for the summer holidays. :^^
The other one is a brothers best friend story.
And then I have one enemies to lovers. (It's like a biker romance kindaaa.
Then I have another enemies to lovers when they like live next to each other during the summer and they CAN'T get along.
So yeah, lemme know which one you'd like me to post first and I'll try to do that. BYE BABESSS!<33

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