Chapter 26

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His thumb begins rubbing lazy circles on my hips through the fabric and I lean my head back, imagining those fingers rubbing me on my- stop.

He brings his mouth to my ear and nibbles on my earlobe. I sigh through my nose and press my ass harder into his erection and he groans, the grip around my hips tightening. "Careful." He whispers and then chomps down on the skin by the nape of my neck. I cry out from pain and pleasure as he soothes the bite with licks of his hot tongue. He just gave me a hickey? I shudder and my legs begin to wobble. Weak. He makes me feel weak.

"Lucian.." I breathe out and feel as he takes another bite of my delicate skin. I thread my fingers through his hair and tug a little.

"Cazzo, Madelyn, I can smell how wet you are." His raspy voice sends vibrations right into my core and I shudder. His hand drops from my hip down to my inner thigh. I moan, because I simply have no control over my body anymore, and tug at his hair a little more. I want him everywhere. I want his fingers everywhere and his mouth everywhere and I just want to feel him inside of me. "If I touch your underwear...would they be wet? Hm?" He rasps against my ear and I can already feel the orgasm building inside of me.

This feels like heaven and more. I can feel him getting hard and I can feel him breathing against my neck and, oh god, if it isn't fucking everything I need right now and more.

"Answer me." He bits out and grips my inner thigh, gently but still hard enough to make me whimper, and bite my lip when I feel the second heartbeat between my legs tugging harder. He squeezes my thigh as to remind me to answer and I only nod, not trusting myself to speak at this moment. "Words, Madelyn."

"Yes!" I cry and stand on my toes trying to direct his fingers into my sensitive spot. He only chuckles and brushes a single thumb against my bare thigh. "P-please-" I don't even know what I'm begging for- I don't know if I should stop him or tell him to touch me is so wrong with Nick still outside. Everything we do is wrong but always feels too god to be bad.

Lucian's left hand, still on my hip, trails up my clothed stomach and tugs the fabric of my shirt upwards as he does. He stops it right under my left breast and teases me a little with his fingers. "Please what?" He asks and I debate on whether I should tell him. The feeling in my stomach is growing heavier and it's just like yesterday in the bathroom. I remember his lips and his tongue and his hands...everywhere.

"P-please.." I only say again, unable to speak anything else. I can feel it, it is coming, I can feel it. He swipes a hot thumb over my painfully pebbled nipple. I bite my lip trying to wiggle my body to make him touch it again.

Suddenly he brings his right hand and slides my underwear to the side. Touch me. Please just touch me. I beg inside of my head and feel my stomach tighten with anticipation and tension in my sensitive spot. Without warning he drags a single finger across my slit and I moan and try to thrust against his finger; but it is already out and now in front of my face, glistening with my wetness.

"Suck on it." He tells me and pushes his finger through my parted lips and the orgasm rips through me like a wave of pleasure. I moan, suck on his finger like he told me and feel my release drip down my legs as some of it is already on the floor. My knees buckle and waves of pleasure wash over me as a hard hand wraps around my waist to keep me from falling. I'm panting, my chest rising with every breath I take. "Did you just come?" My face flushes red but I don't have enough energy to run away. "Cazzo." He groans and slides his finger out of my mouth and down through my wet folds. My head whips back and he curses again.

His finger is slow and lazy as he begins rubbing wet, sloppy circles over my clit. Like he has all the time in the world. Wet sounds echo when he rubs me and I am too focused on his fingers to be embarrassed about it. My eyes meet his and I hear him curse to himself. I give him a lazy smile and his eyes turn dark and restless. Suddenly I'm lifted from the floor and the next thing I know I'm bending over the kitchen table with my cheek pressed onto the cold wood. My breathing turns shallow and I wait in silence for Lucian to tell me what he's doing. Or anything. I want to know that he is still there.

"Take your shirt off." He instructs behind me and I gulp. It's not like he hasn't seen me without a shirt but this just feels more...different. I swallow down the nerves and do as he says. I bring my hands to the hem of my shirt and grab the fabric so hard that my knuckles tie white. I begin pulling up the fabric, Lucian's shirt, and close my eyes as I fully take it off an toss it onto the floor behold me. My naked torso still pressed on the table. "Turn around." He tells me as I open my eyes. What if I don't? What if I don't do as he says- "I only have so much patience, Madelyn, do not test me." I bite my lip and stand up straight before forcing myself to turn around to face him. I am almost completely naked except for the poor excuse of panties that I'm wearing.

I watch him as his eyes scan my body, every little bit and detail. I fist my hands to keep myself from covering up but it doesn't seem to help as much as I would like. Lucian takes a step towards me, and then another one. The muscle on his jaw tickles as he reaches or his hands to grab the underside of my thighs. I gasp and he lifts me up onto the table, placing himself between my legs.

"Lay down." He says and I listen. My back lays flatly against the table and I shudder. "You do not understand how beautiful you look." A whimper escapes my mouth and I force myself to look up at the lamp above me and not at the hungry man looking like he's about to eat me alive.

He leans over me and places a hot kiss on the valley of my breast. I arch my back, allowing his more access. He chuckles and leaves a trail of wet kisses down my stomach to the waistband of my underwear. Yes. He hooks his fingers inside of them and brings them down my thighs. Yes. Then he pulls them all the way off and probably tosses them onto the floor. Yes. Touch me.
One kiss on my knee.
One kiss on my thigh.
One kiss on the inside of my thigh and finally one kiss on the middle of my thighs. My lips part and my legs do the same.
He places move kisses on the same spot and them brings his left hand up to drag a thumb over my nipple. I moan and arch my back even more.

"Spread your legs." He murmurs against my entrance and I groan and spread mg legs wider. "Brava ragazza." He whispers and then his tongue darts out. He licks the length of my slit and I shudder, my legs trembling.
[good girl.]

His thumb begins playing with my nipple and his tongue does the same with my clit. That is, before the circles my entrance with his tongue and then pushes it inside of me. I cry out and put my hands on his head, pushing him down further. He bites down and sucks and licks and- oh god I feel the orgasm building up again. I tighten around his tongue and he can feel it because he smiles and pinches my nipple with his middle and index finger. I begin moving my hips, slowly, against the rhythm of his tongue and he groans. Oh my god I'm gonna come.

But then his tongue stops moving and he begins to pull away. No. I bring my legs together and lock his head between my thighs. His hand leaves my nipple and he begins laughing. No. Nonono- I can feel the orgasm fading. No.

"Please..." I beg him and he grabs my thighs with both his hands, kissing and then biting the flesh of my left, inner thigh. I whimper and try to push his face closer to my entrance but he pulls my legs apart and then pins them to the table. "Please don't.." I beg but he only chuckles and kisses my thigh again. I close my eyes and blink back the tears that somehow appeared when the loss of contact with his tongue happened. "I was about to-"

"I know, Madelyn love. But I will make you feel a lot better soon." He assures me and the sound of him undoing his pants echoes through the apartment. I hear his pants pull down and my eyes open widely. "A lot better."

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