Chapter 22

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I wake up to the smell of pancakes. The sweet scent making my stomach grumble. I open my eyes and look around. This isn't my room. It takes a whole of ten seconds to remember why I'm here and how I got here and what happened yesterday. My cheeks flush and I instantly bury my head in my pillow. He saw me...naked. And he- oh god. What if he wants to forget everything that happened. What if he wants us to go back to ignoring each other or being something stupid like...friends

I groan into the pillow before sitting up straight with my knees over the edge of the bed. Is he making breakfast? God I am hungry. I haven't eaten since yesterdays lunch. And I skipped breakfast yesterday. My stomach grumbles again and that is my cue to get to the kitchen.

I step onto the wooden floor with my bare feet. I brush a quick hand through my hair, making sure to leave no knots untied before tiptoeing towards the bedroom door. I open it soundlessly and step out. The sweet smell makes me close my eyes and my legs are moving towards the kitchen like machines. There is a nagging feeling in the back of my mind as I get closer.

I open my eyes when I reach the kitchen and the sight in front of me takes my breath away. Lucian is standing by the stove in only his gray sweatpants and he's making pancakes. My lips part as I take in the food on the table. There's pancakes, French toast, orange juice, coffee and omelets. I look back at Lucian with his muscular back turned to me and I walk quietly over to him and wrap my arms around his waist from behind. He relaxes into my arms and turns around to face me.

"Good morning." He says and takes my face in his hands and places a light kiss on my nose. My heart aches and I reach up my hands to his neck and pull him in for a real kiss. He doesn't protest and only pulls me harder towards him. The anxious feeling that he might act like what happened yesterday didn't happen is gone. It is replaced with relief and a warm feeling in my chest.

"Morning." I whisper as I pull away from his lips. I take a step back and smile at him when a slight frown forms his eyebrows.

"Are you hungry?" He asks and averts his attention back to the stove.

"Yes, sir." I joke and look towards the table filled with food. "Did you do all of this for me?" I ask and look back at him.

"Maybe." He says, not facing me. I smile. No one has ever done anything like this for me before. Not even Nick. I mean his proposal to me was at Taco Bell with his friends in the back cheering for him. He didn't even have a ring he just said 'Marry me, Please.' and I said yes and then he just smiled at me and said 'she's my bitch now boys!' And his friends all gave him high-fives and congratulated him. I was confused about it so when we got home I asked him later if he actually wanted to get married and he replied with 'sure babe.'

I sigh and feel something soft touch my feet and when I look down I see North-Ocean. I crouch down and let her and she purrs as I pet her. "I'm gonna go get her some food." I say and stand up to see Lucian staring at me with his arms crossed and one hip leaning against the counter.

"I already did that." He says with a new edge to his voice. I gulp and look back at North-Ocean.

"You didn't have to do that. Thank you." It feels like my can senses the tension and hurries away from us to keep from getting stuck in the middle. I almost laugh but then stop myself. I clear my throat and nod to the stove. "Do you need help with anything?"

"No, everything is done." He says and moves to turn off the stove and grab the plate with pancakes piled up on each other. He walks past me and places them on the dining table and I follow him to sit in front of him.

We eat in silence and a hundred thoughts fill my head. The silence is almost suffocating and I decide to break it first. "Thank you for...doing all of this. You didn't have to, really."

"It is just breakfast, it is nothing." He says and leans back in his chair to adjust himself. I wasn't only talking about breakfast. I look down at my empty plate not daring to meet his eyes. I was hoping for him to carry on the conversation but I guess it's over now. Silence falls over us once again.

"I'll do the dishes." I say and stand up from the chair. I grab my plate and a few other empty ones and move toward the sink.

"I will help you." He says and I curse inside my head.

"Really it's fine, this is the least thing I can do after everything you've done for me." I smile but still he shows up next to me and brings dirty dishes with him. His arm brushes mine and it sends a jolt of electricity through me.

I wash the plates and hand them to him and he places them in the dishwasher along with the other dishes. We do that in silence too and when we're done I wash my hands and dry them on my shirt. His shirt. That I am wearing. I look down on my clothes and I just now realize that I'm wearing nothing but his boxers and his t-shirt. I look up at him and it seems like he has realized the same thing because he's towering over me with the same look in his eyes I saw on him yesterday in the bathroom when we...

"Do you regret it?" His voice startles me out of my thoughts. Regret what? Oh. That. I meet his eyes and shake my head. No, I don't.

Before I can ask him he grabs my waist and sets me on the kitchen counter. The cold marble causes goosebumps to appear on my legs. His t-shirt rises up my thighs and the hem of the boxer briefs he let me borrow are showing.


"Good." He cuts me off. "Cause I want to do it again."

IEKKKKKK! I am in love
With them.

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