Chapter 31

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It has been three weeks since I moved in with Lucian. Well- moving in might be an exaggeration; I'm just living in his house while all of my other stuff are back at Nick's place. That used to be our place, it's still mine but, you know... I'll get them soon though. I haven't talked to him in the days I've been here but before that I had a talk with him. I told him I wanted a divorce and the look on his face nearly made me want to take back my words. God, he looked so betrayed and hurt...but it will be for the best. The only mistake I made was staying with Nick when I knew we were too different to work. I tried to change him. Our marriage crumbling wasn't only his fault, it was mine too. We both made our fair share of mistakes but in the end I think we both know that we aren't supposed to be together. I know he knows, he just doesn't want to admit it. I told him I'd wait, I'd wait for him to sign the papers until he was ready. And then I left. I feel awful but still like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

North-Ocean climbs into my lap and I pet her soft fur while she purrs. I missed her, too. This is where I'm supposed to be. With Lucian and North-Ocean. And when Lucian comes home I'll tell him about the big news. I have been dying to tell him all day. I bite my lip to hide the smile and focus on the flatscreen in front of me. Some National Geographic documentary is on about lions and how they live in the wild or something. I didn't know that daddy lions try to kill the baby lions when they are kids, that's why the mommy lions have to hide their babies. It's awful. I shudder and thread my fingers through North-Ocean's fur.

The sound of the door unlocking makes me turn my head so fast I nearly get a whiplash. He's home. The door opens and Lucian steps in and my whole body warms. North-Ocean jumps off my lap and hurries to the door and I follow her with a grin. Lucian notices the cat first, of course, and bends down to pat her head. I lean my hip against the wall and watch them. There is just something about a man in a suit and tie, petting a cat that makes me smile. And that is when he notices me.

"Hey," I say and watch him approach me before wrapping his arms around me. I hug his waist before I pull away to kiss him on the lips. "How was your day?" I whisper against his lips and he pulls away to look at me. He eyes me suspiciously and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from laughing.

"What?" He asks and my smile only increases. "Tell me." North-Ocean sits next my foot.

"Tell you what?" I joke and make my way to the kitchen, he follows me and sits down on the chair I pull out for him, but not before eyeing me suspiciously. The cat follows too. "I just got a call..."

"From who?"

"An agency I applied to years ago. They told me they'd like to offer me a case." I hold my breath as I wait for his reaction. What if he doesn't want me to go? No, he isn't like that. Is he happy for me? I am happy for me. I hope he is too-

"Sapevo che potevi farcela." He smiles and I have no idea what he just said but I know it's something good. He gets up from the chair and kisses me on the cheek and my heart melts. [I knew you could do it.] "I love you." He says against my cheek and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Oh yeah?" He puts his hand on my hips and pulls me in closer.

"I missed you." He breathes into my neck. His hot breath makes me shudder. Just then, my phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull away from him to answer. He glares at me and I offer him an apologetic smile before answering the call.

"Hi," I say and wait for the other person to speak. I forgot to check the caller ID.

"Maddie." Nick. "I love you," oh god- not this again. "And I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to stop. I want you to be happy and I know you won't be that if I hold you back by not signing those papers." My breath gets caught in my throat. I- is this real? "I have signed the divorce papers, Maddie. You can come pick them up any time you want and I am...sorry, really, for hurting you. But I won't get in the way of your happiness again. I'll be leaving for Boston this Friday for my new job, and I'm leaving the house to you. I love you, Madelyn." Wha-

"Nick..."  I don't know what to say. I feel Lucian tense. "I-I'm..." I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, too. But the words just won't come out.

"I know." He says and his voice is quiet.

"Thank you." I say instead and the silence is so loud from there. We both just breathe into the speaker, waiting for one another to speak. Or maybe we're waiting for someone to wake us up and tell us this whole thing was all a dream.

"Goodbye." He says and then he waits, just a few seconds more, before hanging up. I keep holding the phone to my ear, waiting for him to take back his words even though he's already hung up.

"Madelyn?" Lucian's voice is soft and soothing and I look up at him, my phone still pressed to my ear and I don't even realize I'm crying until Lucian is brushing his thumb against the underside of my eye. It is not until then that I feel the wetness on my cheeks. I don't even know why I'm crying. I got my happy ending. "What is wrong?"

"Nick called," I begin and turn my head down, "he's signed the papers and he's leaving. For good." Finally, I drop the phone from my ear and leave it on the counter.

"Why are you crying, Love." He takes my face in his hands and makes me look at him. His eyes aren't angry or happy. He is trying to understand me, read my face.

"I don't know." And that is the truth.

"Okay." He kisses the top of my head and I close my eyes, enjoying the comfort of his lips for only a few seconds before he's pulling away. He looks at me and smiles slightly before turning around and leaving me to my thoughts. Because I need space to think, time to make everything make sense. I really do love him with all my heart.

Sorry it took so long for me to post! I'll try to do it more often but I'm working on other stories that I'll maybe post soon so stay tuned if you want updates! I love you guys, thank you for reading my story and following and thank you for voting. Lucian and Madelyn's story is about to end but that doesn't mean a new story won't take place..👀

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