Chapter 14

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I'm so embarrassed right now I can just die. I promise I won't be angry if the world opens up and swallows me whole. It would just do me a huge favor.

"Ma- Mrs. Sterling?" When those words leave Lucian's mouth, my stomach drops. I don't like that. I don't like the new way he refers to me.

We've been looking at each other for minutes now. Just takin stuff in. Like I am taking in how good he looks in that black turtle neck while he's probably taking in how weird I look in his hoodie. I haven't yet dared to meet his eyes but I can feel his eyes on my face. He's waiting for me to look at him.

"Yes." I say and quickly add a small laugh.

"What are you doing here?" Oh.

"I'm sorry- I-I just looked myself out of the house and Nick has already gone out somewhere. I don't know why this was the first place I thought of but I really don't have anyone else to call because I barely know anyone here and my only friend moved to Spain and that was basically the only person I knew besides Nick. I don't want to bother you, I really don't but it's freezing outside and I'm not even wearing pants!" I finish and inhale a deep breath before deciding to look up at him to see his reaction.

He's smiling. Not the big one that makes his dimples pop. But still, it's a smile. My insides melt and become gooey. I smile too.

"You locked yourself out?" He is smiling so cutely. I stop myself from reaching out and pinching his cheeks.

"Yes." I look down, embarrassed.

"How is that even possible?" He laughs to himself and I feel something heavy lift from my chest.

"I-I don't think you want the whole story. Anyway, I was wondering if I could maybe stay here or something. I-I won't bother you! I promise!"

Calm down.

"No." He answers shortly. Oh.

"Oh." I begin nodding. "Tha-that's Okay. Could- um- could I maybe call Nick from your phone? I-I mean my, my phone is locked inside my house so-" he lets out a heavy sigh and I stop talking. I shouldn't have come here. I know. I know. I know this is so stupid.
I don't even know the man.

I watch him turn around and walk further in to his office while I just stand there. Frozen in place. I try focusing on something else. The smell. His office smells like coffee and roses. I inhale a deep breath of the comfortable smell.

Lucian reaches for his phone and begins typing something in before pressing it to his ear. I hear one tone on the phone go before someone picks up.
Muffled voices on the phone.

"Cancel or move up everything of my schedule today." He stares into my eyes as he speaks. My lips part in surprise.

"Wha- you can't-" he cuts me of by lifting his index finger in the air towards me. That small gesture causes me to blush and look down.

The call ends and he begins walking towards me. His eyes are set on me as he reaches behind me to grab his coat. He puts his coat over my shoulders and does the buttons for me before taking a step back.

"There. Now let's go." He looks at me, waiting for my response. But my tongue is tied and I'm scared that if I try to even make a sound it will come out in a very bad sound. So I keep my mouth shut. I just nod at him and smile. A small thank you.

He opens the door behind me and gestures for me to walk out first. I do as he wants and take a step outside of his office and he follows close behind.

"Turn left." I turn left and we stop in front of an elevator. He presses the button for me and we stand in silence while waiting for it to open.

When we enter the elevator and the door finally closes, I turn to him. "Where are we going?" I watch his face for clues but without any luck finding any.

"To my car." His answer is short. I huff.

"Yes, but why?" He gives me a side glance.

"Because we are going to my house." My heart flips.

"Why?" My voice comes out high pitched. I clear
My throat and repeat my question. "Why?"

"The dinner is in a few hours and I am guessing that you are going to meet Nickolas there. That means you have no where else to go s-"

"What?" I cut him off and he fully turns his body to look at me. He doesn't look annoyed that I cut him off but I smile apologetically anyway.

"What what?"

"What- what dinner?" I say and he looks at me. He really looks at me. It's like he's trying to read me.

"Nickolas...did not tell you." He says more to himself than to me.

"Did not tell me what?" I push. He shakes his head and looks down before meeting my eyes again.

What did Nick not tell me.

"About the dinner. Every year the company has a huge dinner- it is like, this big event. Everyone dress up in ridiculously big dresses and unnecessarily fancy suits and we just eat, dance, drink and more stupid stuff. It is very overhyped if you ask me. And all for some lousy champagne and wine." He explains and I listen quietly.

"And this event, is it- every year?"

"Yes. But it is very new. We have only had three events, this will be the fourth one." I nod. I nod so many times I actually get dizzy. So I stop nodding and sigh instead.

"Is it today?" I am surprised by how calm I sound.

"Yes. But I am guessing Nick did not mention any of this." Something in the air shifts. The tension is thicker than before. I could slice through it with a single finger.

"No. He did not mention any of this." But then again, when was the last time we ever sat down and got the chance to tell each other things. When was the last time we had a normal conversation when we asked each other normal stuff. Like 'Honey, do you have any special event you'd like to tell be about?'

The elevator doors open and we both exit at the same time. I place my foot on a sharp rock. I wince and jump away from the rock.
Stupid, stupid rock.

"You do not have any shoes either- how did you manage to put on socks but no shoes?" Lucian sighs behind me and the next thing I know, I am swooped up in his arms. He is holding me so gently, bridal style. Like I am a thin piece of glass that will break if he holds me too tight.

The small gesture causes me to laugh. He stares down at me confused. His clueless face makes me laugh even more.

"What?" His eyebrows furrow in confusion. I laugh even harder and close my eyes. In that moment, I forget everything. All of my problems with Nick seem like small pieces that don't really matter anymore. This moment right here. This is how I should feel everyday.

I open my eyes and find Lucian smiling down at me. His usually tense face, soft. His whole face is relaxed. I smile up at him too.
So many unspoken words travel between us. My face is telling him 'thank you'. For everything.
His face is telling me that he would do it 'anytime'. And we just look at each other like that for minutes.


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