Chapter 27

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TW: this chapter contains sex and 18+ content. This chapter is also longer compared to the usual lengths of the other chapters.
Read this at your own risk. You have been warned.
Enjoy the smut.


I her the sound of him tossing his pants onto the floor and I immediately sit up. My mouth goes dry at the sight of him, fully exposed to me. His muscular arms and thighs and his tan, hard abs. And his...lower abdomen. It's thick and big with veins around it and the head of it is already dripping with pre cum. I find myself thinking how he's going to fit. I drag my eyes to his and he is staring at me with amusement and hunger. He watches me the whole time while opening a pack of condoms I didn't even knew he had in his hands and rolls it over his swollen cock.

"I- you won't fit-" I say and he grabs both my legs and yanks my thighs to the edge of the table in response. My chest is rising and falling with anticipation when he looks at me and licks his dry lips like a starved man.

"I will fit, Madelyn. Don't worry." He says and grips my thighs to pry them apart. My mouth goes dryer than the Sahara as I watch him. He won't fit. He's too big- I- I can't understand how he'll possibly fit. He looks at me through his thick lashes. I open my mouth to say something but I don't even know what, and he doesn't let me think about it before he pushes into me. Pain erupts through my body and my mouth parts in maybe some sort of silent scream. I force myself to look down and he's not even halfway in. He's waiting for me to adjust but I don't know if that will even be possible. I gulp, my lips wobbling.

"It hurts.." I whisper and he leans forward and places a sweet kiss on my shoulder reassuringly. His face twists in pain. Almost like it hurts his to hold back. He breathes hard and fast as he pulls out and thrusts back in. I can see how tense he is when he eases out of me and takes my breath away in the process. I bite my lip and wait for him to thrust inside of me again. This time, when he does, a low moan escapes me and the pain is easily morphing into pleasure. It feels good now. It almost doesn't hurt anymore.

He thrust out of me and I shudder while he tries to stifle a groan. Then, he enters me again, faster and my eyes close with pleasure. I moan and he thrusts in and out in a quicker pace. I dig my nails into the skin of his back and move my hips to the steady beats of his thrusts, my second orgasm already built up in the pit of my stomach. Oh god. My hips roll, the skin of my nipples tightening in the cool air and I arch my neck back. As if hearing my thoughts, he bends down and takes one nipple in his mouth, grabbing my hips to guide me on his dick.

"Fuck, you feel so good Madelyn." He pants against my breast, pressing himself deeper inside of me. I only moan in answer and arch my back for him, giving his mouth easier access. My eyes are closed but it is like I can see us both from another angle. I can se my naked body vibrating with the desperation to feel him deeper inside of me. I can see him holding my hips, hard enough to bruise, to keep me from pushing him further into me. He nibbles on my left nipple with his teeth before gently caressing it with his hot tongue. My pussy only throbs in reply.

"Please.." I breathe, not even sure what I'm begging for. He pulls away from my nipple to move to the next one and I slide my hands up to his head, tangling my fingers with his hair. He licks and sucks and bites and I only push his head lower. More..I need more. My body is becoming restless with the need to have him further inside of me and I try to wiggle out of his grip around my hips but he won't budge. He pulls out of me once more, his lips leaving my breast, and I whimper in protest. The lack of warmth inside of me makes me almost cry out in pain because he felt too god. My hands leave his head when he steps back to study me and my hands have never felt more useless than they do  now.

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