Chapter 12

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I've checked every door and every window we have. None of them are open. Well I've only been able to test them on the first floor. I don't remember opening a window on the second floor and even if I did I wouldn't be able to reach it. I have no one to call and nowhere to go. I left my phone and keys inside.

I need to make sure I get inside before one of my neighbors spot me. Let's say I live in a
not-so-friendly neighborhood. Most of the people who live here are either recently divorced men
or/and men and women who are in a miserable marriage. They are unfriendly. And I would rather not face them today. Plus, Mr. Todd always looks at me funny.

My feet are turning blue by the cold grass I'm standing on and I'm positive I'm going to catch a nasty cold. Why didn't I just run after Nick? Not that it would've changed the whole door situation...

I mean I could walk to Nick's office. It's maybe a twenty minutes walk...but I can't walk around like this. I take a moment to look down at my outfit. I'm wearing the big hoodie Lucian gave me that ends right above my knees and that is the only thing I'm wearing besides my underpants. I'm not even wearing a bra.

I sigh as I begin walking back to the front porch. This is all my fault. But blaming myself won't make things better. I've realized that by now. Crying won't help me out of this situation either. But it will make me feel somewhat better.
So I sit down on one of the steps on the porch and cry. Silently, tears fall from my eyes. They swim down the form of my face and fall down on the ground.

It makes me feel better. Crying always makes me feel better. But only when I allow myself to cry like this. And I prefer to be alone when I cry. I don't think I've even let Nick see me cry. Ever. Maybe that isn't normal. Maybe a part of why our relationship breaking is my fault. Maybe every part of why our relationship is breaking is my fault.
I let it all out.
I scream into my hands without caring if someone hears me or sees me.


I dry the last of my tears with my already-damp sweatshirt sleeve. I do feel a little big better now. A hear a roaring sound in the distance and look up.

A black car with tinted windows drives past me slowly. I narrow my eyes at the car and before I even know it I'm running. Not away from the creepy car but towards it. I throw my hands in the air, shouting at the driver to stop the car. I'm probably waking up the whole neighborhood as I'm doing this, for that I apologize in beforehand.

I'm starting to think I am crazy. I'm running after a car without pants or shoes for gods sake.

The car slows down and I exhale as I make my way to the drivers door. I take a few minutes to catch my breath but before I'm able to knock at his window, a man steps out of the car. I look up and find a familiar face, just as I'd hoped.

"Antonio." I manage to say, still trying to catch my breath. That is his name, right? My chest is heaving up and down with every breath I take. I don't know why I'm so tired. I barely ran ten feet.

"Ah, Miss. Hartz." He smiles down at me and his smile makes me want to smile too. His blonde hair is looking different today. It's slicked back with what looks like a lot of gel. But except for that, he looks the same as he did yesterday. Same suit and everything. For some reason I find that very comforting.

"It's- um, Mrs. Sterling, actually. I-I'm married." I correct him since I forgot to do it last time. It sounds good to hear someone call me by my own last name, still it feels wrong.

"Yes, I know, Miss." he gives me a sad smile. There is a short pause that does not give me enough time to respond to what he just said. He clears his throat and opens his mouth to change the subject. "Interesting choice of clothing today." He gives me a one-over before offering a small smile. He spoke to me for the first time yesterday and our two conversations put together have been no longer than four minutes. But still he talks to me in a comfortable way. Like he's known me for longer than that. I like it.

"Well- I- it's a long story. Um, are you- by any chance going somewhere?" I clear my throat. Of course he's heading somewhere dumbass. He eyes me suspiciously. I wonder if he can tell that I've been crying. I hope not. If he does it doesn't show.

"I'm going to assume you need a ride, little one. And I believe you'd like me to drop you of at the place I'm heading to." He finishes off with a wink and opens the car door in the backseat for me to climb in. I do and mutter him a quiet 'thanks' before he closes the door after me. I tuck my cold feet under me in my seat.

As soon as he's back in the seat he wastes no time before turning on the AC in the car.
A comfortable warmth fills the car. Still I am visibly shaking by the cold I was just out in. I'm sure he noticed and that's why he turned on the heat or he just doesn't know and felt cold. Either way, I am thankful.

I feel weirdly okay about this. I mean I should feel really embarrassed right now -I'm sure the embarrassment will hit me later- but I actually don't feel to bad.

The whole car ride is quiet, but in a comfortable way. Neither of us makes small talk. I don't, because I have a lot on my mind and he doesn't, because he knows I have a lot on my mind. We only trade small glances through the review mirror at the front of the car. Nothing more. Nothing less.

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It this far!
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