Chapter 28

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She has me wrapped around her little finger and she doesn't even know it yet. I cannot remember the last time I felt like this. Alive. God, Madelyn makes me feel alive. A week ago she let me see her in her most vulnerable state and I will never forget that day. After we had sex on top of my dinner table I had to go to work and later, when I came back, she was already gone. She left her cat, though. At first I thought she regretted it and I was going crazy, thinking about what I did wrong. But she texted me three days ago saying she needs time to talk to Nick and sort things out with him and that she left her cat as an insurance that she was going to come back soon. I do not like it one bit. Nick being alone with her. He tried to hit her last time and he would be a complete fool to do it again. Still, I have not been proven that he is anything more than just that. A complete fool. What more could she possibly want to sort out with Nick? They are over and now I can not take my fucking mind off of her.

"Fuck." I groan and fist my hands on the dinner table where Madelyn was lying down a week ago, naked, with her cries of pleasure, just for me. Where has she been staying? Over at Nick's place? Their shared home? Shit. Why did she go? She could have stayed here, with me. I want her to be here. With me. I want her. I need her. I need to bury my face into her hair and smell her sweet vanilla scented shampoo. And I want to bite down on her neck, claiming her as mine. Her hickeys from last time must have healed already. That is it. I am calling her and telling her to come here.

I reach for my phone and quickly find her number. I press the call button and wait. The signal rings one, two...three times and then she picks up. "Hello?" Her voice makes my heart warm. "Who's this?" She asks, probably not looking at the caller ID before answering the call.

"Madelyn. I wa...where are you?" I try to hide the desperation from my voice. I miss her. I miss her.

"Lucian." I can almost see her smiling in front of me. "I'm home. And Nick is out. I think maybe to some bar." My heart begins beating weirdly fast. "Why?"

"I want..." I am struggling to find the words since I have never once spoken them before. "I miss you." I hear a light gasp coming from the other line of the phone and imagine those full lips parting for me. "I want you to come back."

"I- Nick and I need to sign the divorce papers. Lucian, it's a whole process and it's going to be hard since Nick has decided not to sign it. I...I miss you too." My stomach makes a weird flip and a beat of silence passes between us. She misses me. She does not regret what we did. My cock hardens against my pants. Shit.

"Why can you not live here until the papers are signed?" I am desperate for her touch, her smell, her smile, laugh, eyes, body, voice, hair. Her. I am desperate for her. To feel her.

"I..I didn't think you wanted me to." She whispers and I frown.

"Who told you that?" The change in my tone is noticeable and I hear her breathing hitch.

"N-no, nobody- but I just didn't think-"

"Be ready in ten, I am picking you up." I end the call and toss the phone onto the table. Five minutes later I am in my car, driving to pick up Madelyn. To take her home. That is not her home anymore. Not with Nick. Fuck Nick. One day, I will kill him. One day. It is dark outside when I pull up next to Madelyn's house and find her already standing outside, waiting for me with a duffel bag over her shoulder. Mine. I turn of the engine and hurry out of the car. The wind chills my face and it is good because I am vibrating with heat. I walk around the car with quick steps and then I am in front of her in a second.

Her brown eyes grow wide before I take her face in my hands and pull my lips to hers. They part in shock and I slip my tongue inside of her mouth and groan. She tastes like mine. I have missed her so much it has been killing me. Messing with my head. Her shoulders tense only for a second before she relaxes into my touch and stand on her tippy-toes to gain more access to my mouth. I kiss her hard, strong and with much force. I want to bite her and taste every part of her.

She tries to pull away to breathe in some air but I only allow her to do so for a second before I am back claiming her mouth. She sighs into my mouth and slips her tongue inside of it. Fuck. I force my mouth to release hers and she looks at me with eyes filled with heat. I bring my hands down from her face and to grip her ass instead. She gasps a little when I give it a firm squeeze and I cannot hide the smile on my lips. I lift her up and she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my torso. Her body pressing onto my strained bulge and I try not to make a sound. I quickly turn us around and then press her back onto the side of the car. Her mouth is back on mine in seconds like she cannot get enough of me either.

"I've missed you." She pants against my lips and I press her harder into the car. She sighs and arches her neck back, allowing me to mark her as mine. I do not hesitate and kiss her neck instantly. I kiss my way down to her collarbone and she shudders. I bite the side of her throat and she moans in pleasure when I suck and lick to soothe the soreness.

"Gesù, donna, mi fai impazzire." I mumble against the pulse on her neck and she tugs at my hair while panting. My hands slide into the front of her pants and into her underwear and I growl at how wet she is.
[Jesus, woman, you drive me crazy.]

"Lucian.." she breathes and I continue kissing and nibbling her neck while my index finger slips inside her wet folds. Her hot juice coats my finger immediately and she moans. "My neighbors will see..." she breathes but her voice sounds almost desperate. Like she wants them to. I bring my soaked finger up to her clit and begin to draw lazy circles around it. She whimpers and bites her lips in a poor attempt to stay quiet while I finger-fuck her.

"Maybe you want them too.." I mutter and cover her mouth with mine. She moans into my mouth and I eat it all up. Licking every last bit of it with my tongue. More.

I quicken the pace of my finger and feel her tense around it. She is about to orgasm. Just as she is about to go over the edge, I stop. I slow down my finger and then just hold it still over her pussy. She huffs out a breath in protest and bites down on my lip. I smile.

"Wha- why?" She breathes against my mouth and tries to move her hips against my finger to create any kind of friction.

"Because.." I pull my mouth away from hers and look into her eyes. She looks like she is about to fall asleep. "You left me alone for a week." I tell her and then grab ahold of her hips with my other hand and press her harder against the car, not allowing her to roll her hips against my finger. She whimpers in protest and let's her head fall back.

"Please..I'm sorry." She pleads and I can feel her hot pussy fanning on my hand, desperately craving attention. I fight against the urge to thrust my fingers inside of her and make her scream my name.

"Never do it again." I warn. She nods frantically, wanting me to touch her again, and I do. I slide my finger along her slit and she arches her back. Fuck, she is so wet and slick. I bring my finger in and out a few times before adding another digit. She cries out, not caring the least bit about the neighbors.

"Yes!" She screams and I feel her tense around my fingers once again. I bring my thumb over her clit while thrusting inside of her with my index finger and middle finger. She rolls her hips against me and moans. "Oh god.." I feel her whole body tense before she comes all over my hand. Still, I do not stop rubbing her; trying to make the orgasm last as long as possible. Her hot cum coats my fingers and when she stops shuddering I retrieve my fingers, feeling her clench around me again for only a split second. I bring my hand out from her pants and watch my fingers glow with her cum. She moans when she sees it.

"Open your mouth." I instruct and she does, her eyes widening when I push my fingers through her parted lips. "Suck." And she does. Her tongue slides up and down my fingers before I pull them out and then put them inside my own mouth. She whimpers and watch me through hooded eyes while I suck the same fingers I used to make her come. She tastes like mine. Fucking all mine.
I take a step away from her and allow her to find her footing before opening the passenger door for her. "Let's go home."

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