|BONUS CHAPTER| number two

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I shift nervously in my seat, waiting for Lucian to come back. It's not that the seat is uncomfortable, I've just never been a fan of airplanes. Doesn't matter if they're private or not. I wait a few more minutes before hearing the sounds of my husband approaching, speaking Italian on the phone as he walks into the airplane and takes a seat in front of me. I notice the crease between his eyebrows immediately as he holds the phone to his ear and listens to the other person speak.

I've been with Lucian for long enough to notice those tiny shifts or twitches in his expression and right now I can tell he's stressed. He's taking me to Italy to see his family. I know it's a big thing for him, given his past, but I'd love to see the people who raised him and made him into the man he is today. And it actually wasn't my idea to visit them. It was his. We are engaged now, and he wants his family to meet his fiancée.

Lucian hangs up his phone with a huff and turns to me, his eyes softening the way they always do when he looks at me. The way that always makes my heart melt. "You okay, Love?" He asks and his eyes flicker to the way my knee is bouncing up and down. My cheeks heat and I stop moving my leg.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say, but I can tell he's not buying it. The only cons of being able to read Lucian cause I've known him for so long is that he now can read me too. "I promise." I try to convince him but he looks anything but. Suddenly I feel the plane beginning to move and my shoulders tense. I fasten my seatbelt and look out the window, taking deep breaths to calm down. The next thing I hear is the unfastening of a seat belt and when I glance down I realize it's my own. But I barely have any time to react before I'm pulled into his lap.

His arms close around my waist and he leans his cheek on my shoulder. And it makes my heart skip a beat again but not because of the airplane but because of him.


"I've got you Madelyn don't worry...I would never let you get hurt." His voice is deep and smooth, the calming effect making my body slump down against his. But I don't miss the way he's using contractions like he always does when he's aroused or is about to do something sexual. "That's it, good girl.." he mumbles against my ear as I relax my body.
And then he slowly begins trailing kisses down my neck. I knew it. "Are you scared of airplanes, love?" My stomach pools with heat.

"I usually take sleeping pills when I fly.." I mutter, biting my lip to resist the urge to moan and not sound casual about this. Lucian has become more affectionate with time. But then again he has always been one for physical affection.
His hand travels down my thigh and he shifts my body, making me straddle one of his muscular thighs. The pleasure buzzing between my legs only gets worse.

"Let me take care of you. I'll give you something better than a pill.." his warm breath fans across my cheek and both of his big hands find my hips. "Ride my thigh.."

"Not here-" I try but my protests are pointless when he begins rocking my hips back and forth over his thigh and a shameful sound leaves my mouth. Not here- not in a plane- his staff is here.

"Ride my thigh, love. Show me how much you want it." He whispers in my ear and I whimper, matching his movements of my hips with my own. I grind against his thigh, his muscles rippling under makes my heart pound. "There we go Madelyn." His hands drop from my hips when he's positive I won't stop grinding and brush against the hem of my sweater instead. My body shivers in response and the movements of my hips quicken. Oh god.

"It's illegal to do this in airplanes..." I say but I can barely say anything without sounding breathless.

"Are you gonna tell on me sweetheart?" He muses and kisses my cheek. "Besides, it's my airplane, love. I can do whatever I want." He slips a hand under my shirt, groaning in lust and surprise when he realizes I have no bra on and his hand closes around my breast. I moan, holding onto his knee as I roll my hips against his thigh, the seam of my jeans rubbing against my clit in a stimulating way and I pray to god I haven't soaked through my pants with how wet I am. "What's my name, Madelyn?" His voice dips to a level lower than usual, filled with lust as he gropes my breast and rolls my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

"Lucian-" I whimper and feel myself getting closer to the edge I'm so desperately trying to reach. "Oh god Lucian-" I moan and feel him pinch and pull at my sensitive nipple while I ride his thigh. He growls and I feel his body tense.

"Take your pants off." He orders, his voice leaving no room for negotiation and I do as he asks. Blood is rushing through my veins as I unbutton my jeans and slip them off completely, blushing when the wet silk of my underwear is exposed. "Off." He nibbles on my earlobe as he speaks and I moan, pushing my underwear off too. "Good girl."

He moans and reaches between my legs, swiping a finger along my slit and then bringing it up to my face to reveal it now glistening and dripping with arousal. I blush at the sight and whimper softly when he pushes that same finger between my lips, forcing me to taste myself.

"Did I say you could stop riding my thigh?" He murmurs lowly in my ear while letting me suck his finger and I moan. His question is rhetorical, so I don't answer and begin grinding my hips on his thigh again.

I feel so dirty. Wearing only a sweater while grinding on my fiancé's thigh to come while his staff is on the same plane. They're not watching but I highly doubt they can't hear. It's thrilling, and warm blood rushes through my veins as I continue chasing my release.

"Good girl, keep going, just like that." His finger finally slips out from my mouth and he begins lifting up the hem of my shirt in a torturously slow pace. Going over my stomach and eventually over my breasts, releasing his own groan as they peek out from my shirt, perky and full. And waiting for his hands.

"Please Lucian.." I beg and he pulls my shirt completely off, tossing it to the seat in front of him. His eyes are on my body as I ride his thigh and his hands are on my breasts, massaging and squeezing them to help me get closer. It's so hot yet so embarrassing. And the combination is making my body clench with pleasure.

"God Madelyn, you're so pretty when you please yourself." He whispers and his soft lips find my neck yet again. "Does it make you feel good, knowing you're all naked and wet for me?" He growls and his left hand cups my face, pulling it back to look up at him with heated eyes. "I want to watch your eyes when you come." His grip tightens and my hips move faster.

"Lucian.." my legs spread as I ride him faster, feeling my body tense and soft whimpers leave my mouth.

"That's right, call out my name. Tell me who's making you feel so good." He kisses my neck. Once. Twice.
Oh god. I'm done for. My body arches and pleasure fills my body like a hot glow and I finish with one last moan. He lets me calm down and ride out my orgasm before he lowers his lips to my forehead and place one single kiss. Like he's proud of me. "Good girl. Do you feel better?"

"Yes.." I pant, coming down from my high. And he kisses my forehead again, making my heart flutter.

"Good. We have landed." His grin widens with my reaction as I realize what he's been doing. Distracting me.

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