Chapter II | Owen Grady

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Emily walked passed the crew members and towards a large enclosure where her favorite dinosaurs are, The Velociraptors. She wasn't there for their birth, but she would visit them from time to time.
She walk up the catwalk to see her favorite person in the world, Owen Grady. The Alpha of the Velociraptor pack. Starting his training with his four Velociraptor females named Blue, Delta, Echo, and Charlie. Blue was Emily's favorite, not because of her metallic blue stripes going down to from her eye to her tails. It was because she would be hardheaded at times but very loyal to her sisters and Owen.

" Okay!" he yelled out, pressing a clicker to get their attention. Owen notice Blue wasn't looking up like her other sisters, "Blue?" he called out for her, aggressively pressing the clicker. "Blue!" he called out again, earning a screech of annoyance from her as he finally look up. "Watch it." he scold at her, as if she was a teenager.

Emily giggled, "Ignore him, Blue. His date stood him up." she said. Owen look at her, "That's not true!" he said. Emily snickered while Blue let out a screech, almost to say 'Hello!' then the other girls started to get aroused as Owen clicked his clicker, "Charlie. Hey! Don't give me that shit! Delta! Lock it up!" finally all four Velociraptors were calmed and looking up at Owen, "Good! And we're moving."

Emily followed Owen as the four Raptors followed their Alpha towards where the catwalk had a hanging bucket, Owen still clicking his clicker as he exclaimed "That's good. That is damn good." he then picked up a frozen dead rat. "Charlie, that's what you get!" he then threw the rat at Charlie who snatch it, he did the same for Echo and Delta until Blue was the last one. "Blue? This one's for you." he then threw the rat as she catch it and ate it whole.

"Hold!" he raises his hand up, "Eyes up!" he commanded as the Velociraptor lifted their heads up. "Go." the Raptors did what they're told and ran off on the other side of the paddock, Emily clapped her hands at him as Owen brought her into a hug. "Good job, better than last time." she congratulate him.
Barry then walks up to the two, he chuckled and hugged Owen "You finally did it, man."

Then a man named Vic Hoskins walked up to the three, chuckling. "Owen. I was starting to think I hired the wrong guys, but, damn, you got them eating out of your palm."

"You came on a good day. It's not usually a happy ending." Owen replied with a stiff smile, already annoyed by the man but shake his hand.

"Is that why you're not sending in your reports?" Vic questioned him.

"We've been busy." Barry replied.

"Not too busy to cash your paychecks." Vic playfully said, pretending to punch Barry in the stomach. He then notice Emily right next to Owen, "Ah, Emily Blake. I haven't seen you in a while, hopefully working on my dinosaur?"

Emily rolled her eyes, even though she's been working with The Indominus Rex ever since it was a few months old. It still belong to The Park.
"Yes, sir." she answered.

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