Chapter XIV | Lockwood Manor

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Somehow Emily manage to fell asleep throughout the sound of the dinosaur bellowing and banging on their container, mercenaries would bang on the doors to keep them down.

Spartan kept a close eye on Emily as his three clawed hands softly stroke her hair, he'll softly tugged at a tangle and do it all over again. He remember Emily doing the same thing with him as a baby and how much he love it.

He heard the sound of the T-Rex roaring two feet away from him. He wonder what's that all about, he just ignore it as he lay his head down in the hay straws that's scatter everywhere.


Emily woke up to the feeling of the ship stopping along with the sound of snoring — she smirked when she saw Spartan's face next to her, the squall of smoke made her hair blew back. She giggles while Spartan opens his red-orange eyes where his pupils were dilated as he purrs at the sight of her.

She lifted herself to her butt as she crisscross her legs to look up at her dinosaur — he gurgled as he watches her, she notice a mischievous glint appear in his eyes. "" She told him. He let out a grunt before lowering his jaw onto her chest as she let out a groan.

"You're getting too big for this." She told him, receiving a grumble in response. Another mischievous grin as he started to lick her face as she squealing while giggling until she starts breathing heavily. He chuffs as he lifts his head up to check on his mother with a snort as he tilts his head, "I'm okay sweetie." She reassured him.

He wag his tail at that — Emily back up against the metal of the storage container, Spartan cooed as he lays his head onto her lap as she strokes his head. He purred at that.


"Get on!" One soldiers yelled out as soldiers pull Spartan out with chains while tazing him, the Indominus screech as he was pulled into a large crate. They remove the chains from him and close the latch and locked it.

Spartan lifts his head up as he heard the screaming sound his Emily, she was pulled by her hair by the mercenary man towards his cage. "Let me go, you jackass!" She screamed as she felt a handcuff on her left arm that clipped onto one the bars, Spartan roar as he grip the mercenary's arm with his claws that made him bleed.

"Spartan let him go!" Emily commanded.

But the Indominus didn't listen as his grip tighten before removing his claws, the mercinary panted as he grip his bloodied arm. "You're damn lucky that Dr. Wu wanted this bastard." He snarled.

Emily glare at the him, she suddenly changes her mind. "You know what. Spartan go ahead."

Spartan smiles as he grip the mercenary by his mouth this time by the feet — the man fell on his stomach and dragged inside Spartan's cage, Emily closed her eyes shut as she heard the mercenary scream as Spartan eats him whole.

Spartan grumbles as he finishes his feast on the mercenary man, he rip a piece of meat then drops it on the concrete ground and slide it through the bars. Emily eyes widen when she saw the meat, "Um. I'm good thank you." Using her shoes she push the meat back through the bars, Spartan grunted in acknowledgement as he ate the meat in whole.

"Hey bud have you seen any keys?" She ask him. Spartan starts to nudge away the bloodies, ripped clothes for any keys. But he lifts his head with a grunt and shook his head. "Damn it!" She snarls, banging her shoe at the bars.

Spartan grunts that caught her attention — he lifts his claws to see a key ring, Emily let out a chuckle. "Spartan good boy." She told him. He gurgles in pride as he move his arm in between the bars to hand her the keys, she uses the keys to remove her handcuffs.

She rubs her wrists gently she stood up with keys in hands — Spartan whines as he gently pushes the bars gently, "I know bud, but that'll have to wait." She said. He growls at that. "I know. I know you hate being caged up, but don't worry  I'll get you out."

She then leaves him behind and went out to find Sombra; "Somby?" She called out but received nothing, no hand coming out the bars. She took out her phone that she manage to snatch from one of the mercenary and turn on the flashlight and saw no cage or Somba.

"Shit!" She exclaims. She rans off to make her way to the main room where an auction was being held at — Emily sat down at one of the empty chairs in front to look at the dinosaurs. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, that we are halfway through the evening... We'd like to offer a special treat to our discriminating buyers." The auctioneer announce. "This evening, we will preview, a new asset that we've been developing. A creature of the future, made from pieces of the past. Ladies and gentlemen, please be warned. This is the perfect blend of the two most dangerous creatures... that have ever walked the earth."

Emily's eyes widen when she saw a cage roll in, "We call it... The Indoraptor."

"Sombra." She whisper out. She watches as the mercenaries shock him with stun baton — in anger, Sombra let out a roar at the buyers around him. " The perfect weapon for the modern age. Built for combat. With tactical responses more acute than any human soldier." The auctioneer continued on. "Designed by Mr. Henry Wu... Its' intelligence quotient comparable to the velociraptor. Bio-specs include a hyper sense of smell, trained to respond to a pulse-coded, laser-targeting system."

Sombra lifts his head up he turns his head to see Emily — he looks at her in a calm state as his eyes dilate at the sight of her, she gave him a smile and a small wave. "Enabling it to isolate and track prey in complex environments. Voila! Now first, your laser sets the target."

A mercenary grab his gun and set the laser onto a young man's tie, Sombra locks eyes with the man. "Once locked on, the acoustic signal triggers the attack." The man press the button that made Sombra screeches and tried to attack the man but the bars block his attack.

The auctioneer laughs, " This animal is relentless. Now, modifications are still being made."

"$20 million!" A Russian man calls out.

The auctioneer let out a nervous chuckle, "Well, this is a prototype. Not for sale."

Then more and more people call out — Emily and Sombra locks eyes with each other, wondering what's going to happen to the hybrid. Eventually the auctioneer gave in, "$24 million!"

"$25 million!" The Russian man called out.

"Do I hear 26?" The auctioneer questions as more and more people call out for higher bidding.

Well shit Emily thought. Now how is she gonna get her hybrids out.

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